The Unknown

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Chapter 4: The unknown.

Clary's POV.

The room went black, for a while there was blissful blackness, the nothingness was relaxing. Then I was transported to this place. This apartment seemed familiar, I heard what sounded like the Big Ben's chimes. I went to the balcony, I could see Big Ben, it was across the street. How was this possible? I was just in the New York Institute. I look down, and I see a rune, one I have never seen before. It was on the right side of my chest, it didn't look like the others, it faintly stung. The door opens, it's the man with the red spikish hair.

"Welcome home little sister." He said.

"This isn't my home."

"As feisty as ever. Great to see you again. I forgive you for what you did, it was what was necessary at the time, wanted them to trust you. I get it."

"Jonathan, I did what I did to save the world from you." I felt different, like the world made more sense than before. I could remember things I wasn't able to before.

"You might have thought that when you were doing it at the time. I know your heart's desires, we are one, or have you forgotten?"

"We were split a long time ago."

"Just because we were split, doesn't mean we aren't still connected. Have you seen your chest?" I looked down at my chest, there it was, the bonding rune. I gasped, and lost my balance. Jonathan caught me.

"Carefull, I wouldn't want you to get hurt." I don't know why, but I felt like he was being genuine.

"Yeah, same goes for you."

"How about we go out? Get something to eat? I remembered you don't trust my cooking."

"Only if you answer my questions."

"Deal. Maybe you want to get changed first?" I looked down, I was wearing pajamas. This day just kept getting weirder.

"By the way, I like what you did with your hair." Add my hair to the list of things to change. I went to the mirror, and pushed my bangs to the sides, revisiting my old look. Then I looked through the closet, only tank tops, denim jeans, jean jackets, and leather jackets, in dark colours. I settled for a navy blue tank top, some black jeans, and a black leather jacket. I had to admit, I was pulling this look off.

"Ready to go?" Jonathan asked.


"Either way, your hair looks good." He complimented me.

"First question, how did the rune re-appear?"

"You see, it's physical power was delinquested, but the mental power never disappeared. You see it because it was never completely gone. In your mind it has as much effect as it did before."

"How do I know you're telling the truth?"

"Look inside yourself, you know I'm telling the truth."

"Hello good sir." A man waved. We waved back, then Jonathan tripped him, I don't know why, but I laughed. After that, I heard this voice, it just sounded like purity. Suddenly I felt bad for the man.

"Sorry." I said, he didn't look back, just kept walking, with his bowler hat on sideways.

"What was that for?"

"To see if you would laugh, and you did." I ignored that comment, and we kept on walking.

"Question two, how am I here?"

"Don't they teach you that in school?" He let out a sigh.

"When a ma-"

"Not that, why am I here, with you?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2021 ⏰

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