I love money too much to allow myself a limit.

I actually haven't talked to Von all week 🥺 I don't even know if the mf still breathing. I wish I could call him now, but this little kid keeps trying to bite me.

This is why I can't stand kids now 😒.

I'd never have kids with anyone— maybe Von. Nope nvm, not even him.

My lunch break is coming up soon. Maybe I'll get to call Von then.


"Hey Von." I said, tiredly.

"Hey ma.. whea you at ?"

"Work... sadly."

"Mmmm I'm at the stu. I wanna see you... where you been ??" He whined.

" out here tryna get this money...." I said

"Why ? Don't you have a rich ass boyfriend?" He said.

"Von we've been over this. I make my own money so I can do whatever I want." I said, making him sigh.

"When you gone see me ?" He said.

"What day you want me to come ?" I said.

"What about Saturday—" he started

"That's fine— oh wait ! Saturday, I have a meeting at my job." I said

"Okay.... what about Friday ?" He said

"Mmmm... I work on Friday..." I said

"Sunday ?" I said.

"On Sunday, I got an interview." He said.

"Damn.... what about tomorrow ?" I said.

" what time ? I gotta watch my nephew ?" He said

"Uhhh, I can squeeze you in at... umm... maybe— 8– 8:30... after work, and after my second job... I may be really tired, but that's okay." I said.

"Tf... you saying it like I'm goin to a fuckin doctors appointment. Damn indie, why you gotta work so much ?" He asked.

"I'm sorry Bae... I'm scared to be broke. Broke is the only thing I have beef with."

"Yes, but you gotta make time for me— we both do. Aint no way in hell, I won't be able to see you this whole week" He said

"I'm sorry.. and you're right, but I don't know what to do now, that I got all these jobs..." I said.

"What you doing after work today??" He asked

"I gotta go home, and clean my house, and make myself some food."

"Girl fuck that house. Come see me." He said.

"I wish I could.." I said

"No you don't, if you did, you'd actually make an effort to."

" okay Von... I'll see what I can do."

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚄𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍 ➶︎ [𝗞𝗩]Where stories live. Discover now