Chapter Thirty Two;Complete Stranger

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"I think you'll really like this one" I smiled at her.

"What's it about?" Nylah asks.

"It's about Valkyries, female Asgardian warriors" I explained.

"No" is all she said throwing the book on the ground.

"What, it's about bitchy powerful women, I thought you'd like that" I laugh.

"I said I don't want to read the book Loki!" She yelled.

"Why are you so upset?" I scoff.

"Maybe because I've been in this damn cell for 2 months!"

"You were in a fine mood two minutes ago and all I've talked about sense was the book so what did I do that made you so upset?" I ask confused.

"Nothing Loki I just don't want to be your personal I don't know, person you get to lock up and talk to like you're friends. Because we are not friends" she argues.

"Will you relax, it's a damn book no reason to get so upset" I try and calm her down.

"I don't want to read a stupid book about a stupid group of warriors" She yelled.

"What do you have against Asgard?"  I questioned.

"Nothing!" She answered way to fast.

"Where are you from anyways?" I continued to push for a real answer.

"Ok question time is over Loki, I'm tired and you need to leave"

"As you wish" I sigh and leave.

I have no idea why she acted like that. Maybe she faced off against them at some point? I don't know why she's so moody now, I mean I understand a little anger about me locking her up and all but never that sudden and out of no where.


"Again!" She yelled.

The warriors began to train again, some of them were incredibly young. She had at least 50,000 warriors, it was impressive. But I know Malekith has more, I've heard of it. As I grew up hearing the stories of how powerful they were.

"You fight like this you all die!" Nylah yelled at them "fight like you want to live!"

I'm in awe at how well she was at this. I don't know how long she's been here for but she took over quickly. Everyone feared her, it's impressive. It's incredibly sexy to, the way she gets people to kneel for her. They listen to her every command. It's incredible.

"Again!" She continued.

"This is quite impressive" I whisper leaning towards her a little so she could here me.

"Shut up" she whispered back and I chuckled quietly.

I watched as she continued to push them, it felt like hours at least. After a little while longer I decided to leave and go back inside. 

I wonder how she did it. Was Mrithun really a good teacher or did someone else help her? I really know nothing about this woman. I mean how did she meet Garmora, what planet is she from, and how the hell she got her powers.

She's a complete fucking stranger, why do I feel like I can trust her so much if I know nothing about her?

She's a complete fucking stranger, why do I feel like I can trust her so much if I know nothing about her?

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A/N: Since Hela doesn't exist in this book The Valkyries still exist<3

Also none of this will be exactly like the movies like Loki being mind controlled and a lot of other stuff. I'm still going from the characters and their lives just not writing it like it's in the movies:)


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