"You don't actually believe that Harry. But you're too stuck on trying to act like that drug addict that everybody thinks you are, and you're too blind to actually realize that you might be hurting other people!"Louis face was unreadable. His piercing blue eyes were boring into Harry's green ones. 

Harry took a deep angry breath clearly trying to mask his frustration. Then he said loudly "Do you honestly think I don't see it?! Do you honestly think I don't hate myself every time I disappoint yo--" he cut himself off. "You're an ass! And I should never have called you!" He finished feebily.

The nurse came hurrying in. I had no doubt she had heard the yelling from the nurses station down the hall. Harry's monitor was beeping erratically. She looked from Harry to Louis before saying sternly to Louis, "Get out."

"Gladly." Louis stormed out angrily.

Once the two of them had both left, Harry turned to me. In a voice much calmer than expected, he said "Enjoying the show Nay Nay?"

I shook my head. "He's only being mean because her cares." I paused. "You should have seen him earlier! He was so worried--"

"You don't need to defend him," Harry stated. He laughed lightly. "That asshole is paying my medical bills. Of course he cares."

"Then why were you fighting with him!" I said incredulously.

Harry made a face that looked both amused and incredibly disappointed. He sighed and then laughed at himself. He explained with a wide smile, "Because Louis has many talents. One of the bigger ones happen to be pissing me off."

I frowned.

"You should totally go home with him," he added looking back at the wall. "I totally ruined his day. He's just gonna go home and stew in it otherwise."

I felt my cheeks reddening at the suggestion. Harry continued on with total indifference. His attitude really was something to behold.

"I know your whole relationship angle is like cute and shy but he totally needs to get laid," he seemed very confident in his line of thinking. He noticed me my eyes widen and smirked. "He'd probably be less uptight."

"I— I don't think he's uptight," I stuttered out.

"He's so uptight," Harry insisted. "Trust me. Louis a huge softy. I know him better than anyone. He's way too respectful. You've got to be bold."

He sighed seemingly satisfied with his advice. He gave me a knowing look as if we were totally on the same page. We weren't. Talking to him was extremely difficult, but underneath it, I noticed something. His humor and his smile were reminiscent of a boy I knew in a closet a long time ago. This was the same boy under many new layers. I saw, for the first time, the real reason Louis kept him around. Harry wasn't completely gone. He was still there, however complicated the rest was.

"Noted," I said smiling back at him.


"Make sure to text me tomorrow to tell me how he is okay?" I told Louis when I dropped him off at home that night. He had calmed down considerably. He'd even been granted access back to Harry's room once to say goodbye and to scowl at him a little more. Harry had stuck his tongue at him on our way out for good measure.

"Of course, " Louis said. "And Naomi. Thank you so much for everything you did today. Harry would probably appreciate it too if he wasn't such a dick."

We were standing in the entry to his living room. The blood on the floor didn't look so bad without Harry laying in it. The room felt quieter and duller in the partial darkness after the excitement of before.

"He does appreciate things," I smiled. Harry's humor compelled me to think of him fondly. "He just doesn't know how to show it."

Louis rolled his eyes. "Don't spend so much time trying to find the good in him. You'll forget how to be angry."

I laughed. "You know Lou... Harry cares about you a lot. Almost as much as you care about him..... and he's really thankful for everything you do. He counts on you. He knows you'll come when he calls and to him that's probably everything."

He nodded looking a little touched. "I know."

We were quiet for a moment.

Then he kissed me on the cheek. "I'm sorry that none of our dates have been Harry-less."

"I think I'll manage," I whispered. The touch of his lips had left me feeling flustered.

Despite that, I turned and kissed him for real this time. Our lips coming together. They fit together like a puzzle shaped perfectly by two lives desperately searching to be one. It felt right and warm and completely ridiculous considering the past few hours that we had experienced.

When that was over, I turned to go, but he stopped me reaching into his pocket. "You're phone," he muttered coming closer to me. He pulled my phone out of his pocket and a silver package fell out with it. Louis face burned red.

Our eyes widened simultaneously. I looked from him, to the condom, to the exit.

"I should go," I said biting my lip. The atmosphere had changed very quickly.

"I swear that was all Harry," he said quickly, blushing wildly. I didn't doubt it all. This definitely seemed very Harry-esque.

"I know," I laughed embarrassedly. I didn't move towards the exit, continuing to make eye contact with his startling blue eyes. "I'll see you tomorrow Lou okay?"

The clock on the wall stroked midnight, a soft dinging filling the room.

"It is tomorrow." He smiled without looking away from me.

I walked to the couch settling quietly. In a split second, I made a choice. It was a risky choice and definitely a forward one. "Is that an invitation?"

His eyes widened in realization. It occurred to me that what I had imagined as something shy and reserved was actually discomfort. Louis had no idea how to flirt. He had no idea how to navigate relationships in his new life that revolved around Harry completely. That's what he'd meant when telling me he didn't go out much. That's why Harry interjected himself so much in attempts to socialize Louis to other people. People like me. "Only if you want," he said it awkwardly with a smile.

Something beautiful rose in my chest. A warm feeling. Even though what I was doing was considered strange or scandalous even.... I could do whatever I wanted here. And what I wanted was to be with Louis. What was it Harry had said? Be bold? I could do that. So I nodded and let the beautiful boy kiss me again. I let him climb into the couch with me. I let him think of me instead of the boy whom he devoted his life to. I let him be someone different for the night.

After The End: Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now