Chapter Eight: There Goes My Hero

Start from the beginning

Panicking, you limped rapidly down the stairs, gun in hand, and went to the kitchen. If you were going to die, you were going down with a fight. You grabbed the biggest butcher knife you found and turned around once you heard a clatter from upstairs.

Michael was in the house.

You immediately turned back around and grabbed another knife, just in case

You hobbled into the living room, where it was open. You could see the stairwell from where you were, but someone on the stairwell couldn't see you.

You heard Michael slamming doors open as the banging began. It was rhythmic. It was heavy.

It was the door.

You turned to look at the door just as it shattered. There, standing with an ax, was Jeff. He didn't see you. He assumed you were the one making all the noise from upstairs, so he immediately ran up.

You took this time to shove the knives in your pockets and held the gun in your hand. You hobbled out the back door, hoping to avoid being scene. As you turned around the side of the house, you felt someone wrap their arms around you and felt something pointy being held at your neck.

"Hey, Princess! Ya miss me?" You heard Billy taunt.

Knowing you were done for, you didn't fight. It wasn't like you had a chance against him. Or anyone in the car. Norman was a twig, but you knew that he ran. And when he ran, he ran fast for a long time. You didn't even know if Norman was there. You didn't know what these lunatics had planned, and that just made things worse.

You gave up. You began to sob as Billy dragged you to the front of the house and into the car. He motioned for Freddy to get out of the car just as Sam drove up. Barely stopping the car, he got out and pulled a small revolver from his pocket.

"Let her go!" He shouted.

"Or what? You'll shoot?" Billy mocked. "No way the arthritis won't prevent that."

Sam fired a warning shot at Billy's feet. Thinking that the bullet would hit you, you screamed.

"You're scaring the princess," Billy warned. "Don't make me kill you."

Just as Sam was about to say something, you saw Michael come out from the other side of the house. You began to scream, cutting Sam off.

"Quiet, doll," Billy hissed, slamming his hand over your mouth.

You continued to writhe and scream (although muffled) as Michael came up behind Sam.

As Sam raised the gun, pointed at Billy's head, he suddenly stood motionless. Blood began to flow from his mouth as he fell to the ground, dead.

Michael had stabbed him.

By this point, you were hysterical. Your hero, your savior, was dead. You were now officially being kidnapped by a group of psychopaths again, and you couldn't avoid it.

"There. Now, Freddy, get out," Billy said.

Freddy stepped out of the backseat and you were thrown in. Freddy sat back down, trapping you between him and Jeff.

Michael walked around the car and into the front seat. You could tell just from the way that he walked that he was beyond angry.

As he and Billy climbed into the front of the car, Billy began to talk.

"You didn't actually think that you'd get away, did you?"

You put your head down and sobbed.

"Answer me!" He roared, his mood quickly changing.

"No!" You sobbed.

"So, why'd you run?" Freddy asked.

"I didn't! Sam found me!" You cried.

"Oh, that's the guy?" 

You didn't reply.

The rest of the ride, the only thing that could be heard were muffled sobs. Freddy got tired of hearing your cries, so he grabbed some duct tape from beneath the seats and put some around your hands and mouth.

Michael drove through the back of the woods, going through an overgrown path wide enough for a car. He drove until he reached the house. Once he did, everyone got out. Michael stomped over to you and pulled you out of the car. Roughly, he dragged you inside and into the basement. You were screaming, thrashing, and crying the entire time.

Once you reached the basement, you quickly realized why Norman didn't take you down there when he was showing you around. There was a cell with handcuffs stuck between two bars. There were suspicious red stains on the bars, walls, and floor. Immediately, you began to fight Michael.

Despite your efforts, you were thrown into the cell. Michael grabbed your leg and pulled you to the bars. He then grabbed your arms and put them in the handcuffs. He locked the door and stomped back up the stairs.

You were going to die here.

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