"Yeah, but I was around for over a hundred years and still hadn't found him, so of course I was going to sleep around. None of them meant anything past sex to me," I say, and I'm not that ashamed of it.

Now that I have Amari, I will never sleep with someone else outside of an orgy, but even then I will only ever have love and affection for my Amari.

When we pull into the driveway, I'm disappointed to see that Greyson's car isn't there, meaning they're probably still out. However, I have my friends so I'm happy to pass some more time with them before my lover comes home and I try on my new lingerie for him.

The forest green looks way better on me than I expected it to. Even though most things look amazing on me, I was wary of the green, but it makes me look mysterious and darker as opposed to the bubbly, flirtatious personality that suits me the best.

"I want ice cream," Tristan pouts once we're inside and he's going through the freezer. "Fuck! Where's my fuck buddy when I need him!"

"Ouch," Levi says, giggling a little. "Winston is closer to your husband than your fuck buddy."

Tristan glares at him. "When there's not ice cream in the freezer, he's my fuck buddy."

Kayden rolls his eyes and heads to the pantry before he comes out, looking both annoyed and angry.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" I ask, trying for a joke, but he doesn't crack a smile.

"I'm out of blood bags and I need to feed today," Kayden grumbles, holding a bag of his own blood that he uses to feed Roman. "And it's the time to get more."

I groan, because that means going into the basement and drawing blood from the bastard we keep locked down there.

Roman is a Master Vampire and years ago, he kidnapped and turned Kayden into a vampire in attempts to use him as a second chance soulmate. He took Kayden intentionally, because Kayden looks a little bit like his deceased lover, and he wanted to make one of us suffer, and none of us had found soulmates at that point except for Simon.

Anyway, long story short, Roman failed but he had turned Kayden, so we keep him locked in a cell, unable to use any of his abilities, and we draw blood from him whenever Kayden's supply gets low. Any of us can do it, because we all learned just in case of emergency, but Simon usually does it.

"Why didn't you get more yesterday?" Levi asks. "Aren't your feedings pretty consistent?"

"Yeah, they are, but I was really tired after my bag last week and decided I'd tell Simon later and then I... didn't?"

I groan again. "Well come on," I say, disappearing into the pantry and grabbing the key that sits beside the blood bag fridge. "You need to have a scheduled feeding or you'll get sick."

Kayden hates going and seeing Roman, especially without Simon, but he also expresses that seeing the vampire helps him heal a little bit and get over his fear.

However, if there's one thing that Roman loves to do, it's talk. The bastard rarely shuts up when we're down there, and I'm sure it roots from being trapped for almost twenty two years, but he also talks shit to Kayden a lot.

He's a bitch.

"You can stay upstairs," Tristan offers, his rare soft side showing. "We can get the fruit punch."

Kayden lets a small smile find its way to his face. "I'll be okay, thank you, though," he says as we descend down the stairs.

"Ah, if it isn't my favorite vampire," Roman says as soon as he sees us, his eyes locked on Kayden. "Along with the skank gang."

Tristan looks around the room. "I mean, at least we're getting dick. You're getting nothing."

Kayden hands Roman the bag of his own blood through the bars of the cell. "I'm out of blood bags," he says, and Roman smirks.

"No one's stopping you from coming in here and taking straight from the source," Roman purrs, running his fingers down Kayden's arm as he takes the blood bag. "I'd prefer it."

"Good thing we only care about what you can give us then and not your preferences," I say, unlocking the cell. "Sit down on the bench."

Roman hums and does what I say, still staring at Kayden. "I hear you at night, you know? Walking down the hallway, debating whether or not to come in here because despite everything, you're still drawn to me."

I look over at Kayden and see that he's very much near tears, because he hates any connection that he has to Roman, but the desire for the one that turned him builds up at times.

"Nah, that's just me getting water after my fuck buddy rails me for hours," Tristan says, cutting through the tension in the room. "Cool the narcissism, Roman. Not everything is about you."

"I can see right through you, child," Roman growls as he holds out his arm for me. "You act so brave, but your insecurities are always bubbling under the surface, breaking you down from the inside."

Tristan scoffs. "That's not 'seeing right through me'. That's called noting the fact that I'm insecure as fuck and should probably be seeing a therapist and taking anti-depressants or anxiety meds. Me being insecure is common knowledge, which you'd probably know if you weren't locked up in here."

Did I ever mention how much I love Tristan's quips?

"Just ignore him," Levi murmurs to Kayden. "He can't do anything."

Roman growls. "You think I can't?" he asks, his eyes flashing red. "Tell me, Lust, what event occurs every fifty years?"

"It's Lexi," I correct him. "And it's the vampire gathering that all of the highest ranking vampires are invited to. Paxton is a plus one this year."

"Yes, well, I'm sure my father is restless, knowing that I'm being held somewhere, and I'm sure he will narrow it down to your little group at some point. He will gather the support of the other Vampires this year, and they will find me. You will all be tortured for eternity on Earth, or you can go right back to Hell and cower behind Alastor."

I stab him with the needle much more harshly than necessary. "It's a shame you've had to wait twenty years until they gather to decide that they want to find you. When your vampire slaves took us, we were only missing for about a day."

"You will soon fall before us as slaves to the vampire race. It's prophecy."

Tristan groans. "Can you hurry this up, Lex? Him talking is making me crave jumping off a cliff."

"I'm working on it," I reply, filling up the first bag before grabbing a second one. "And you will never stand above us."

Roman smirks, and I've always found his gross smile extremely unsettling. "Ah, we already do. We are just waiting to come out of the shadows."

I glare at him as I take the next fifteen minutes to draw his blood, most of the conversation ceasing. Even though his words are empty, I know that if he ever escapes, I will do whatever it takes, even if it means eternal torture for me, to save my family.

My comfort be damned; my family comes first, and I will suffer if it means they stay safe.

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