George Is Always Right

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I continued to glare at the sidewalk, feeling awful but at the same time, like a huge hero for Paul. I felt awful because what if that Nick guy was actually joking and only wanted to see if I would stand up to him or tell him to stop, like a good friend would. And then right after tell me I made the cut and I'd be a good friend for Paul, like he is because he's been friends with McCartney longer than I have. And then I went off and knocked the living daylights out of him, like a huge git. Which I was, but the realization didn't make me feel any better, actually the total opposite in all reality.

But what got me going-and what came to my mind most often-was that every word he said was true, to him at least, and he got what he deserved. So he deserved the head-butt that I gave him, and anything else that was coming him way, which was hopefully coming soon.

And the funny thing was, no matter what Nick did between those two decisions, Paul would get mad at me and that would be the end of it. At least not for a very long length of time in some sense, but Paul does tend to hold silent grudges that not even he tends to notice, like not taking to the person, not trusting people as much, etc, etc.

I pulled my leather jacket close to me and wrapped it round my stomach, getting a bit chilly from the cold air all round. Maybe I should have stayed inside. Yeah, I would have looked like a total idiot staying inside with them after just knocking some sense into someone that really deserved it, but at least I wouldn't be freezing my f-

"George! Slow down for once, will you!" I heard somebody yell but I wasn't expecting this person to come up to me all of a sudden. I continued to walk down the street, a bit faster this time, wandering through my own thoughts again when I was forced to stay still as the one person I wasn't expecting grabbed my hand.

"George, honestly, this would have been easier if you just stopped running round. And stop growing taller too! It's a whole lot harder now than it was before to stop you."

"You never tried before. Simple as that."

"That's because I never needed to stop you from hurting someone Georgie!"

I started to frown then and knew that right after the worried rambling stage Paul usually went through, he would instantly get mad soon after. I just knew it….

"Are you even listening to me?"

"What?" I asked as he forced me out of my thoughts with that question. He gave me a funny kind of look and laughed a little in his own amused sort of way.

"I just remembered how stupid this is."

"What do you mean exactly?" I asked, even though I probably knew what he meant because I could feel a bit of hope rise at the bottom of my stomach and the restless thoughts get slightly more restful.

"I mean it's stupid that I'm yelling at you. The only person I want to yell at is John and he's not even here," Paul grumbled with a slight smirk and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey! I could always go back to yelling at you instead, you know that," Paul emptily threatened and I continued to laugh at that.

"What did he do to get you mad exactly?"

His face scrunched up as if he was trying not to laugh and he finally got it as he got a look that kind of reminded me of his dad.

"We will never speak of it. Ever," Paul added with a huge shiver and tried to lead me back to the Cavern Club but I wouldn't let him. I didn't want to go back. I just didn't feel like it.

"George, yer doin' it again," he mutter in defeat as he gave me a sideways glance, slipping into his normal Liverpool accent rather than the one he puts on when gets on stage.

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