A Friend Indeed

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Because resistance is futile. The puppy dog eyes are not the only weapon in his arsenal.

The second trial of the Justice League Boom Tube still involved many Shield soldiers armed to the teeth.

Robin was sent to spend the day on the other side of the city in Peter's care. Robin upgraded Peter's computer for maximum hero on a minimum dime then showed Peter tricks to get better intelligence before responding to emergency situations. Peter showed Robin how web dispensers could be controlled and they practiced with them. Robin showed Peter how his grapple gun worked. Both boys were disappointed when Thor came to retrieve Robin.

The portal test runs were coordinated, timed and involved shared technology. "How are you communicating with them?" Fury demanded of Stark.

Tesseract transmitter could not leave Avenger's control. The technology was too dangerous. Stark asked. "Did you know they have psychics that can communicate with a willing mind."

"The Martians have been mentioned. Can they force their way into an unwilling mind?" asked Fury.

"I've never talked to one when I didn't want to," Stark replied.

"We want to talk to them," insisted Fury.

"Mostly folks on the other side talk to Robin," answered Stark. "If the little guy doesn't trust you, they're not going to want to chat."

Fury looked at the machine gun toting soldiers milling around the Tower and thought back to the kidnapping and the Shield broadcasts refusing to cooperate with terrorists. His superiors weren't going to like this. They wanted control of these tests. They wanted control of communications to the other universe.

Shield had taken a more active roll in Tower defense and problems with Hydra had stopped. A world of unknown potential, capable of creating a dimensional portal, with reasonable cause to be very angry, was requesting the return of it's citizen. The government would have been foolhardy not to do it's best to show good will. Shield now had an entire special forces team assigned to ensuring hostiles did not have access to Robin and like Thor, Robin had been tagged with diplomatic immunity. Robin didn't know any of this but the Avengers knew and appreciated the change in attitude.

The Boom Tube picked up and received the Avenger test pod confirming the portal worked both ways. Dr. Banner's radiation shielding worked beautifully. Tony's efforts to overcome the forces involved in transit failed. Gravity, mass, acceleration and time ceased the follow known rules the moment things got trans-dimensional. The Justice League would take Tony's designs and their best tech experts would try their ideas.

Pepper loved photography. She tucked some pictures of Robin into the information packet that had been sent. The Cad drawings of Robin detailing all his proportions, his weight and center of gravity, other information was considered too secret to transfer over the radio connection but needed to design and construct an appropriate restraint and support system were good but Pepper believed photographs were soul food that Robin's family needed.

Life wasn't all seriousness and science.

Robin had defeated Thor in the act of shopping.

Thor was the Crown Prince of the Asgard, his son was going to get a nice suit. They went to the shopping mall. The first time Robin disappeared, Thor found him in the video game store shouting pew-pew! and demolishing all competition in a video game. The second time, he was hiding in the clothing racks playing sock puppets and chatting to himself. The third time, he was in the pet store. He'd climbed into the puppy bin and was earnestly explaining how he was allowed in the puppy bin because the puppies liked him. The store clerk seemed unconvinced.

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