20 - Goodbye, Secretary Andrew

Start from the beginning

"We're done," Andrew rejoiced. He hauled the box in his arms. "Mind accompanying me to the back exit?"

Claire hummed. "Sure."

Andrew gazed through the small windowpane beside Allen's door. The small transparent glass where Andrew could always see Allen. He'd always wondered if their perfect positioning was merely a coincidence. His eyes swept the office floor one last time. Funny how memories work. Now that he was leaving, he couldn't seem to remember any of the bad memories he's experienced. Only the happy, fun memories bubbled up.

"Let's go," he whispered, hoarsely.

They rode the elevator down. He watched the floor numbers go down until they reached the ground floor: the lobby. The doors slid open. Suddenly, Claire pushed him out of the elevator.

A deafening round of cheers came from the sea of employees that filled the entire lobby. Even from the floors above, they lined the railings and shouted from the top of their lungs. From the top floors, they had to cup their mouths with their hands so they could be heard all the way down the ground floor. A team from the topmost floor blew out a shower of colorful confetti.

Claire pulled him to the center of the lobby where Sonna and the team circled with grins on their faces. They raised a huge banner with the words: Congratulations on being the best! His heart pumped inside his chest like banging drums. All this applause, all this cheer, this recognition, love, just for him.

Sonna bounced with excitement as she yelled, "He's here!"

Andrew didn't have the time to ask when the crowd on the second floor parted for Allen. Mike was beside him holding up a megaphone to Allen's face, but all his attention was directed to Andrew with his signature glare. His presence alone sent a hush to the whole building.

"Andrew Garcia. You have no idea how amazing you are, not only in my eyes but in the eyes of every employee here with us. They've seen you consume dozens of alcohols and fire swear words in rapid succession without a flinch, and yet their admiration and respect for you have never diminished. Why do you think the love I've kept for you for six years will? I love Secretary Andrew, but I love Andrew Garcia the most."

"What the fuck?" He whispered to himself. His face became flushed with redness and his whole body was hot. There was a loud beating inside his chest, but he couldn't help the small curl on his lips.

Allen grinned widely and almost maniacal. "Every time we went through that entrance behind you. I have always dreamt of declaring my love for you in front of everyone. But doing it from the 2nd-floor balcony will suffice for now. And now that you are not my secretary anymore. I will make sure to clean up Lopez Co., so I can come back to you and make you love me too. Now, go have your well-deserved vacation!"

The crowd went wild. Andrew's flustered response and shy demeanor sent waves of laughter from the crowd. While Andrew himself wondered why everyone wasn't embarrassed by the usually stoic boss' ridiculous confession of love. Claire had this smug grin on her face which, if it wasn't for the box he was carrying, he would have smacked out her face.

Sonna snuggled up to him. She whispered, "You should go before the press arrives. I know you aren't going to sit down. So, I'll text you an important detail you should know. Oh, and stop blushing."

Andrew elbowed her before he snorted and gave the middle finger to Allen. Contrary to the shy smile and redness of his face. Allen replied with a pleased smirk.

Andrew drew in a long breath and huffed. He turned around and walked away with the cheers of his fellow employees pushing him forward. He hadn't imagined walking out of Lopez Co. with so much pride in his chest.

You're the best, Secretary Andrew! (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now