15 - What's this feeling? This Heart Rushing Emotion...Indigestion?

Start from the beginning

Andrew noticed Sonna was about to send the photo to someone in the office. Andrew's hand flew and gripped Sonna's hand. Sonna flinched and asked, "What?"

Andrew smiled. "Don't send that photo."


Andrew asked himself the same question, but he refused to answer it. Instead, he smiled at Sonna. "Don't you want to hear the other stories?"

Claire shimmied her chair closer to them. "I want to hear them too."

The three went over the fake dating stories over Allen's delicious dishes. Andrew missed this. Nights of just telling stories to his friends. His mouth has been itching to talk about this whole thing. They also went over past office events, shared laughter, and everyone had a good time.

It took about half an hour to install the karaoke machine Mike had brought and half an hour arguing with Allen. But they were finally singing to their heart's content. All of them were intoxicated, even Allen. But Andrew was sober as a rock. Still, he was just having as much fun as he would when he was drunk—much to his surprise.

Sonna plopped down beside Andrew with a giggle and drink in her hand.

"I can't believe you two still aren't together," she said.

Luiz, who was on the floor, drunk as a skunk, echoed her sentiments. At the same time, the rest forced Allen to sing a love song.

"Don't think I don't notice the longing stares," said Luiz. "You two, all you do is stare, stare, stare, and then laugh, and then stare some more."

Sonna slapped Luiz on the face, the youngest son of the owner of the company she works for. "That's right," she yelled. "What he said."

"What did I say," Luiz mumbled as he got up and plopped down beside Andrew.

Mike walked up to them and extended a hand to Sonna.

"Want to dance?" he asked.

Sonna shyly accepted. They danced in the middle of the living room, accompanied by the slow strings of the romantic music and Allen's begrudged ugly voice. However, Allen didn't need a golden voice with a face like that. Life was fair.

"Hey, you," Luiz whispered in Andrew's ear with his hot breath. "You should dance with big brother."

I think my brother likes you.

Luiz's words came back to Andrew with a flood of memories. Memories that were only between Andrew and Allen but were now shared with the whole room. He didn't know why he had to prove Allen didn't have feelings for him, but he just had to. Andrew could always read what Allen was thinking in the office. He's confident he can do it now.

Allen turned around, still singing, and caught Andrew's eye. Andrew stood up. Took one step closer to Allen. Another step. He took one more until he was close enough to ask, "Want to dance?'"

"Yes," came Allen's breathless reply.

Andrew held Allen's waist as Allen held Andrew's, but he kept the mic close to his lips as if he was serenading Andrew. Andrew peered into Allen's eyes. This close, he could make out the specks of brown that shined under the strobing lights. The faint hint of red that painted Allen's cheeks. The little satisfied yet shy curl of Allen's lips. Moments passed, and his smile turned into a smirk. Handsome bastard.

"Is it true that I am your type of man?" Allen asked.

"Do you really have feelings for me?" Andrew replied.

The song ended, and Andrew didn't receive an answer.

Allen invited them to spend the night, and the team fully took advantage of it by getting drunk. Not Andrew, though, tonight he wanted to sleep sober. He wanted to replay the moments he spent with Allen if any of them hinted that there was a chance for something more than their boss-and-employee relationship. This ran through his mind as he stared at the guest bedroom wall, lying on the carpeted floor. After a while, sleep weighed down his eyes.

After being jolted awake, he realized that he should not have slept sober. His lungs burned from exhaustion, eyes painfully wide in panic, and the nightmare of being woken up by the grip of his father kept flashing as behind his eyes.

Suddenly, he was enveloped in Allen's arms. But Allen's voice barely registered as a sharp ringing pierced inside Andrew's head.

"Try to match my breathing," Allen instructed, and Andrew tried. "Inhale...Exhale...Inhale..."

Andrew followed Allen's words while his warm hand caressed his back to ease Andrew's breathing. After a few beats, Andrew's breathing stabilized, but he was too embarrassed for being dramatic. Allen must've sensed this. With a gentle push, Allen laid them both in the bed. Allen's bed.

They couldn't sleep, too caught in each other's eyes. Well, Andrew's were filled with annoyance. He despised showing his vulnerability to Allen.

"Before you diffuse the situation with a joke," Allen mumbled. "I need to say that this has happened on numerous occasions, so please do not lie to me that this is a one-time occurrence. I beg you not to. You do not have to confide in me if you are not comfortable. But let me comfort you, please give me that."

Andrew remained quiet and still. Under the shadows of night, the warm embrace of Allen and his soft gaze set upon Andrew. He surrendered willingly just for tonight.

"I want to share something with you," Allen said softly. "A rude executive inquired as to why I hired a male secretary from a mid-tier school with an unrelated bachelor's degree."

"Who the fuck—"

"Let me finish my story. This occurred during the integration of Lopez Co. and Ceron's major subsidiaries. Your accomplishments were not yet as widespread in the industry, unlike today. And as they were new and livid, they enjoyed nitpicking the company that had absorbed them. But beside the point, I only replied because he is the perfect secretary to me."

"Perfect?" said Andrew. He buried his face further into Allen's arms. "You know I hated that word. It always made me anxious and terrified. I can't seem to move forward on my own no matter what I do. I don't know what to do anymore. Am I still perfect?"

"Yes, perfect," replied Allen with a hint of a smile. "Under any boss, I would not assume the level of your performance, but to me...You were perfect. All my weaknesses were your strengths. All that I had lacked, you brought in. Leadership, social skills, creativity, I didn't have any of these until you came in. I know that you're afraid. Who isn't? I hope that the little Andrew knows that I wouldn't be where I am today without you. You are perfect for me."

Andrew remained quiet in this sea of violets sheets anchored in Allen's arm. He knew he would regret it the moment he opened his mouth, but he couldn't stop himself.

"My dad was violent with me," whispered Andrew. "It started when Uncle Karlito took me out, and we ate a meal that came with a pink toy that I took home. Dad was furious. Only later in life, when I grew up in the orphanage, that I realized he was wrong. I knew I was a victim. And I know that he's gone now. But I still can't stop dreaming about it from time to time. I thought your father would be the same when you came out to your parents."

Allen bent down and placed a gentle kiss on Andrew's head. He caressed Andrew until he fell asleep.

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