saving a nun or letting her be dammed

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I am currently flying towards the church that Asia said she was in and if my suspicions are correct there going to sacrifice her to gain her sacred gear similar to how people would hunt down the maidens before they became a fairy tail and I'm removing my emotions going on my coding till the task is done.


I approach the church and activate my weapon around me not caring for the thunder storm currently engulfing the whole town there are exorcists that are defending this action a quick scan shows that they are human so unfortunately I can't kill them since it messes with my programming but the next best thing is freezing them in place waiting someone else to come by and deal with them. I enter the church with a kick busting the door clean off it's hinges as everyone looks at me a bunch of the exorcists run at me attempting to hit me only to be frozen in place as the three fallen from early in the day look at me with shock not knowing what do as they all prepare to fight as the area around us suddenly loses thunder with a distant crashes of it hitting the ground as I prepare a ice blast before firing it through my swords towards the three as they jump out the way but not without each of them being tagged by the ice.

Sona P.O.V

Due to the abnormal green lightning me and my Queen are joining Rias in finding out who is doing this as we all jump together I realize that we are outside of a church as I quickly turn to Rias.

Sona: what are we doing here Rias?

I ask with a bit of venom in my voice but considering were in enemy territory it's almost expected.

Rias: sorry about this Sona but not right now Akeno can you stop the storm we should be close enough to the eye now

Akeno: sure thing Rias

Akeno then attempts to stop the storm only causing a circle around the church with a fair chunk of Koha sill experiencing this green lightning as Rias starts ordering her pieces.

Rias: Issei, Kiba and Koneko head inside and assist in any way you can the quicker we get this person out and safe the quicker the storm will end

I look at Rias as she turn towards me with a face saying I'll explain later and all I have to do is trust her but I'm not likening this one bit but I'll trust her. We get closer to the church I see two frozen exorcists and I'm wondering who could do this as Rias looks concerned whilst she's looking inside and I see three fallen angels on the defensive against a green blur that I can't quite make out.


After engaging and flying around the church attempting to eliminate these fallen angels I use my ice magic whilst using my thrusters and charge at them in the air as they get there holy swords out and starts to fight me but I block all there advances without to much trouble as I'm using my magic to hold them back through the air whilst there flying I hold them in place before dashing at them whilst using the full speed of my thrusters and I end up stabbing the male through the chest shocking the two girls there as they look at each other before nodding and flying through the roof of the church I follow them shortsightedly flying faster and faster and easily catching up with them and strike Mittelt as she widens her eyes in shock as she doesn't know what to do but keep flying.

Mittelt: Kalawarner we need to get out of here with the manifestation of her aura and magic along with her speed makes her hard to stop

Kalawarner: we just have to wait till she heads back to the church there still doing the sacrifice there

robotic devil          (female penny Polendina reader x DxD)Where stories live. Discover now