"Why are you even here?" Kehlani spat rudely, crossing her arms as she glared at the pair.

"Came to see how you were doing. I'm a friend of Draco's, I care for your well-being" Daphne said as she took the gloves she had on, off.

I stared at the pair and couldn't help but notice there was something else behind their sickly sweet expressions. Something was telling me that they didn't come here to see how I was doing, nor did they care for such.

I stood there and realised that this was the Daphne Lucius had set Draco on a date with. This was the Daphne, sister of Draco's ex wife.

Why where they really here?

"Why are you here?" I asked again, not once believing their shit as I looked down to the floor for a brief moment.

"We told you. We care-"

"Don't give us that shit. We all know Lucius couldn't give a trolls arse for the way Anna is and you Daphne, we all know you like Draco-"

"Draco. What did you do to Draco?" I lifted my head from looking at the ground as I frowned "Where is he- what did you do?"

"What are you talking about-"

"They did something to him, Lani- i can feel it. What the fuck did you do!" I launched myself at Daphne before Kehlnai caught me and pulled me back "L- Let me go! They did something, they know where he is- please let me go!" I shouted, my voice echoing through the hospital and talking the attention of the staff.

"I think she's finally lost her mind" Daphnes lip wobbled "She needs her meds" she smiled wickedly as I stared her in the eyes and that's when I knew.

She had him, but where?

"Anna you can't just-"

" fuck- let me go, Kehlani!-"

"Woah, woah calm down" a hospital security guard took my from behind, hooking his arms in mine as he dragged me back into the room. I struggled and kicked, screaming and pleading with them to let me go but it was no use.

The last thing I saw before they stunned me was Daphne and Lucius' smug faces.

They released me from the hospital two days later, heavily medicated. Kehlani had taken me home and suggested she stay with me until we figured who was trying to kill me.

I had gotten plenty of calls from Narcissa, inviting me to tea and just trying to get my head somewhere else but I didn't want it somewhere else.

I knew Lucius and Daphne had something to do with it but I just couldn't figure out what.

I did some research and found that Death potion is a very advanced potion to make especially if you want to add mandrake juice. The potion would take a week to brew. They had been cooking this up for a while.

I knew out of the pair that one of them had to be skilled at potions

"Anna, Narcissa called again" Kehlnai stuck her head in the library where I currently sat.

"I'm busy" I said simply as she came in and sat before me at the table.

"I think you should go. Get your mind off things" she said as she placed her phone face down on the table.

"I don't wanna take my mind off things. I know Daphne and Lucius have something to do with it" I said, not looking up from my book as I heard her sigh heavily and snatch the book from under me.

"Oh trust me. I know they do as well-"

"Then why won't you let me-"

"Because you have no proof Anna. You can't just go up to an auror and talk like your crazy. They'll throw you in a mental ward" she explained as it was my turn to sigh.

"Fine, I'll go" I gave up and stood from my chair "Watch Elora?"

"Is that even a question- of course" she smiled as she stood up. I hugged her tightly, thanking her for everything she has done for me.

"I love you, Lani" I whispered into her shoulder"

"I love you, now go" she pushed me back gently as I nodded and went up stairs to get changed.

But nor did I realise what a visit it would be.

Sorry y'all, I know this is torture but it'll be worth it I promise🙏

Word count 1365.

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