53 Together Forever

Start from the beginning

"Darnit! Did Sparky just forget to mention a surplus of electromagnetic interference?"

"Or maybe he didn't know. He never had any reason to climb this high if he was just hunting for stones."

"I suppose so. Plus, he would've noticed if he brought Jolteon up this high."


"See, when there's this much iron, there's a buildup of electromagnetic fields, and it gets confusing for Electric-types. There's so much interference that they feel lost. Imagine being drowned in a gigantic pillow fort and trying to crawl out. It's not really fun. Right, Luxio?" He quickly nodded his head.

Paul stifled a laugh. "Leave it to you to know random electricity facts."

"Hey! I've been around Electric-types since I could walk, so I've experimented lots! But nevermind that. We've got bigger problems! If the compass won't work, we can't tell which direction to go! How do we even know we've been going the right way this whole time?!"

"Don't panic. Look," he pointed up at the sky, "if the sun's up there, at about our three o'clock, according to my calculations, that means..."

"What? What does it mean?"

After a moment, he shook his head. "It means we're lost."

I nearly fell over. "Well then, do something to get us not lost!"

"Calm down, calm down. Why don't you have Pidgeot to scout ahead?"

"Hey, what a great idea! Let's go, Pidgeot!" I sent out my bird, who immediately rose into the air. "I need you to go out and try to find us the trail that leads over the mountain." She nodded and flew away.

"Good. She shouldn't take long." Paul stepped over to the nearest cliffside, turned around, and leaned back against it with his arms folded. "Let's just stay here until she gets back."

"You could send out Fearow to double our search efforts."

"Fearow can't handle high elevations like Pidgeot can, and then we'd have two scouts we'd have to sit and wait for. Best to avoid splitting up as much as possible."

With a nod, I looked up at the sky, in the opposite direction. The clouds crept a little closer since the last time I paid them any attention. However, it seemed they still wouldn't reach us anytime soon, as long as we kept up the pace.

"Hopefully, Pidgeot finds the path soon. If I would've known that compasses are useless up here," I glanced down at the cat in my arms, "then I would've never agreed to go this way in the first place."

Luxio raised his eyebrows at me.

"D-Don't give me that. I still have full confidence that we'll be fine. I'm just ... a little more worried now."

"We'll be fine!" Paul sat on the ground and shared a granola bar with Eevee. "You two should stop worrying already and focus on eating something while we're stopped here."

"We're just being cautious, that's all," I replied as I walked over. "Why are you sitting on the ground?!"

"Well, this spot doesn't have a lot of snow."

"That's not the issue. Isn't it cold?"

"Honestly, I can't really tell. These pants are pretty warm." He placed a hand on the spot beside him. "I recommend resting your legs for a moment. Your pants should be warm enough, too."

"I don't care how warm my clothes are. No way am I sitting down! It's too freaking cold!!"

"It's not that bad, and don't you want to rest?"

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