A Descent Into Purgatory part I

Start from the beginning

'He just broke my nose' you mentally scoffed as you felt warm blood trickling from your nose all the way down to your now busted lip.

"I did apologize prior" the male sneered as he brought out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his knuckles.

Your head hung low and your breath staggered as you were barely keeping it together. You were in agony virtually everywhere and it pained you more so that you couldn't do anything about it.

"Go ahead and bring it in" he hollered turning around towards the door. You managed to lift your head back up only to feel yourself fuming as you glared at the Proctor.

"He's going to find me" you averred loud enough for him to him hear you clearly.

Without turning around or stopping in his trudge his voice booming and much clearer than before over all the ringing you felt bouncing around your mind he spoke.

'Do keep up that attitude it amuses me'

You spat out blood to the side as the Proctor disappeared behind large metal door you had grown to despise. Upon his exit you eyed multiple people, villains, who began to enter the room drop some sort of equipment only to leave in turn. 'He will find me, I trust Hawks... I trust him' you opined going in and out of consciousness.

Hawks POV-

"You reek, go home, go take a shower" I mocked in Aizawa's stoic demeanor as I landed on my lawn.

'This is not where I should be right now' I mentally groaned walking up to my front door. I raised my hand to grab onto the door handle only to find myself faltering.

'This is where we last saw each other' I quickly realized grabbing onto the handle.

'It was only two days ago, two days and she was right here.'

It all came rushing back to me,

'I missed you today'

Y/n had told me those words as she clung to me 'she was so warm'.

'She missed me but I miss her so much more now. I should have told her, I should have held her closer, I wish I never even let her go. I wish I could hear her say I love you back just one more time.'

"Get a grip Keigo" I sighed finally opening the door. I felt my chest rise and fall as I walked in. It feels like a lifetime since I've been back in my own house.

I mean to be fair this place never felt like a home until they came, until she came. But she isn't here right now and neither are they I discerned walking into the kitchen.

Tokoyami and Todoroki I wonder how they are, if they got back all right. I probably should've been a better mentor, taught more, cared more.

'I should probably check on them sometime soon'

"Only two days and already so many regrets, I don't deserve to pity myself" I breathed out before taking a deep breath and walking to the elevator.

"Get it together" I said to myself as I walked into my room. 'better make this quick' I put my phone on the charger and walked farther into my bedroom.

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