Part 15

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so some of you may be confused about the sudden change so I will say it from now. if you remember in part 12 I said there was a heavy snowfall and school had been closed, and I then did a flashback of what Remus did in the day's school was closed ( when he went to the theme park with Sirius). and now that the flashback is over (after two full chapters) we are now back to the present where they were told in history class that they have a trip in a 5 week time, which now will currently happen in 4 weeks. (if you want you can go read the first few paragraphs of part 12 to get a clear understanding in case you forgot).


(2:21 AM)



Are you sleeping?


Not anymore, thanks to you


its fucking Sunday, why the hell are you up at 2 am 

can't sleep, prongs is being an absolute git he wouldn't stop blasting music while singing in the shower


why the hell do you always have to wake me up when you can't sleep, isn't there anyone else you can annoy except me, I was having quite a dream until I was rudely interrupted  

Was your dream about me ;)


as if

 your quite moody moony

hey I just noticed moody and moony are quite similar to each other, which explains why you are always moody when the moon is still up  


You think?


now if you kindly fuck off so I could go back to sleep I will very much appreciate it

  I apologize for waking you up moony


(don't forget to dream about me)


I will just imagine I never saw your last text

All Started With a Simple Prank Message { Wolfstar + Jily }Where stories live. Discover now