The drawing room

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While she dressed, Marcello took the time to walk over to the large heavy curtains, preparing himself for the aching pain he was about to receive when he stepped into the garden. He tensed his muscles and opened them, letting the light spill into the room. His whole body clenched even more as the light hit him, and a small gasp escaped his mouth. The first exposure was always the worst. Slowly, he calmed and although remaining quite tense, could move and smile.

He stepped out of the direct exposure and looked back to them both. "Are we nearly ready, my sweet? Oh, and I would love to hear you sing! My singing teacher gave me her best efforts but to quote her 'I feel your talents lay elsewhere in the arts.'"

Because her back had been turned when he moved the curtains, she missed the grimace on his face, but she heard the sound he made—like he'd touched a hot stove. It was so strange!

Her only guess was that he had some sort of medical condition the public was not aware of. He seemed a healthy, virile man, but there were eccentricities she couldn't account for yet (like his cold skin, whatever was in that vial, and that noise he'd made). Maybe she was thinking too much about it.

"I would love to sing for you sometime! Perhaps when my voice is a bit warmer than this moment though." She giggled cheerily. Her voice sounded like little bells tingling. "And don't feel badly that singing isn't your talent. As previously stated, my drawing and painting is lackluster at best. However, I look forward to seeing yours. Perhaps I might even sit for you someday."

Someone had painted once her as a child with her brother. It still hung in her parents' estate. It had been an arduous process to stand stock still as a child for hours on end, but the end result was breathtaking.

After pinning up a few pieces of hair that were having a mind of their own to one side, she offered her arm to him. "I'm ready when you are..." she beamed.

He dismissed Lucia and took her arm as they walked through the long halls of the palace and eventually to the gardens outside. As soon as they stepped outside, he stopped and disguised his discomfort as if he were taking a deep breath of fresh air. Gripping her arm slightly tighter as they walked through to the veranda.

The gardens were as magnificent as one would expect, with small streams, perfectly maintained grass, a variety of flowers and fruits, even a small path through an alcove that led to a secret flower garden and gazebo. He sat down at the table as they were mid-discussion about the arts. He couldn't help but squint in slight discomfort in the sun's rays, but he would handle it for as long as he could before making an excuse to be inside.

"So after my tutor discovered my passion for drawing, we began importing paints for me to practice with, tireless study and practice has made me quite proficient indeed. I'd love to have you model for me some time, a gift for your parents, maybe? Or just for us, depending upon your chosen pose and attire." Looking at the assortment of food, he couldn't help but feel a little disheartened. This was to be his life for the next few days, maybe even weeks. Lifting an apple, he took a bite and chewed. It tasted flavourless to him.

She blushed at his suggestion, but was smiling ear to ear. "I'm sure no matter the choosing, it will be a magnificent work of art..." she said as she sat down in the chair, biting into an apple herself. "The garden is absolutely beautiful..." she responded, looking around in awe. If she hadn't been so desperately hungry, she would've wanted to explore before settling down for breakfast. However, she was desperately hungry.

"They are," he agreed, looking out to the expanse of garden. All the groundskeepers were simply compelled servants. It made no sense for any of his kind to be working outside, and it was only that very morning he realised how the staff might fit into this new marriage. He had some concerns over a couple in particular; impures that he had relations with, unbeknownst to his parents. There was no risk of conceiving, and he was a man with needs. That was all in the past now. No matter how close they might have been, he doubted any of them would be irresponsible enough to make a scene of it now.

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