Times and Measures

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Nikita paced the room trying to think. Ani had explained that Fleur tried but it was no use. Madame Maxime wanted specific girls and she thought that Nikita wasn’t one of them. Nikita had always been quiet and rebellious in her own right. Therefore, Madame didn’t want her tarnishing whatever reputation the girls had. Dignity and decorum would be the goal for this trip. 

Nikita needed a plan. A new one. She needed to be in Hogwarts, however, she couldn’t very well sneak onto the carriage. So, her current state of burning a hole through the floor was the option of choice for helping her thought process. Ani sat watching her best friend pace like Jackie in Cyberchase, contemplating her next move.  

But soon their peace was disturbed by Paulette Moreau. She was the daughter to French wizards, Paul Moreau and Pauline Moreau. Therefore, being a pure-blood witch made a pure-bred bitch. Paulette was often surrounded by her two twin flunkies, Suzanne and Suzette Dupont and Odette Girard, another french pure-blood. The three girls lived with a strange assumption that they were the girls in charge. But, Ani and Nikita clearly put them into check. Nevertheless, the girls still felt it absolutely necessary to pester Nikita and Ani everyday and today was no exception. 

“Well well well. Look wo we ‘ave ‘ere. I ‘eard about you not being able to go to Hogwarts, Malik.” Paulette said while plopping herself on to the couch in the common room. Ain sat up straighter in her lounge chair while Nikita turned around and stood in the middle of the common room stoic and clearly pissed.

“I’m sorry Paulette, but how is this any of your concern?”

“Malik, your turmoil is my concern. It gives great pleasure to know that your suffering.”

“Paulette, I would think twice about crossing the lines with me.”

“Or wat, Malik? You’re no better zan any other 4th year ‘ere.” 

“Don’t test my patience, kid. You might not like the outcome.” Nikita spoke with venom. She watched as Paulette gathered herself and her lackeys, and walked to their room together. Nikita turned to Ani who was glaring daggers into the back of the girls skulls. “They need to go choke on something.”

“That can be arranged.”

“Let’s not and say we did, Nikki.” Nikita plopped herself on the other lounge chair across from Ani. “So, what are we going to do?” Ani asked. However, Nikita never answered the question. The wheels had begun turning in her head and she wasn’t about to give away the secrets. 



An ear piercing scream was heard throughout the entire common room. And maybe even a little of the castle. Ani and Nikita quickly snapped out of their slumber and saw their roommates rushing out of the room to see what was going on. The girls slipped out of their bed and rushed down the stairs into the common room. Every was gathered looking in one direction, the Queen Bitches room.

“What’s going on?” Ani asked a girl that was standing next to her.

“Something is wrong wit’ Odile.” The girl answered. Ani looked at Nikita but Nikita shrugged in an unsure manor. Seconds, later teachers and Madame Maxime rushed into the room and into the same direction everybody was looking at. Soon after, Odile was being carried out with what looked like an organ on her lap. Everybody looked in complete shock. What was happening? Who would do such a thing to Odile?

Madame Maxime stood in the middle of room, clear concern was etched on her face. She then spoke briefly, “Ms. Malik. Could you please meet me in my office in a hour?” Nikita stood stock still before answering her question, “Yes, Madame.”

An hour had passed and Nikita was dressed in her standard powder blue robes. She walked down a few corridors which led to Madme Maxime’s office and knocked before being allowed into the room that she had never been into. Nikita walked in the room and decided in the middle looking at Madame Maxime behind her extremely large desk.

“Good morning, Miss Malik.”

“Good morning, Madame Maxime.”

“As you know, tomorrow I will be leaving to attend Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament. I have specifically picked out students to come with me on this trip.”

“Yes, madame.”

“As of this morning, another spot has unfortunately opened up due to Miss Dupont’s untimely attack.”


“It seems somebody has cursed Miss Dupont. You wouldn’t ‘happen to know wo would do such a thing?”

“No, madame.”

“I thought so. You ‘ave always kept to yourself ‘ere. But, back to ze task at hand. I need another student to take her place. And you would be that student, Miss Malik.”

“Really?” Nikita said feigning shock at this sudden revelation.

“Yes, it would seem that Fleur speaks ‘gihly of you. Also, you were next on my list.” Nikita smiled at Madame Maxime waiting for her to continue.

“Is it possible zat you could be packed by tonight, so zat we could leave early in the morning. We need to be at Hogwarts at a certain time.”

“Yes, Madame. I understand. I am very grateful for this opportunity.”

“Do not let me down, Miss Malik.”

“Yes, ma’am.”


Nikita packed in silence trying to get her trunk packed and ready for the long awaited trip that was happening tomorrow. Ani sat on her bed watching her, slightly excited that her best friend was to attend the trip with her. The girls were riding a high until a roommate of theirs walked in disrupting their bliss. “Did you hear?” She said in gossip voice that girls did all to often when they had juicy details about something or another.

“What?” Ani asked curiously.

“Apparently, Odile was cursed.”


“Yep. The Entrail-Expelling Curse. Particularly nasty. She’s lucky not much of her organ’s came out before the nurse could get to her.” The girl said. Ani looked at her best friend who was quietly packing with no expression to give to this news that was starting to float around the school. But they both knew the truth. 

Because Nikita Malik was the only person who knew that spell…

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