First Task

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Nikita was waiting for the time everybody was waiting for. The first task was in a couple of hours and she couldn't wait to see what the outcome would be. Like everyone said, people died in this competition. A storm was brewing and Nikita knew exactly who it was. Nikita hurriedly threw on her uniform and hustled through the corridors trying to find her way to the arena. However, one wrong turn landed her smack against the platinum blonde that had been invading her peace since she got here. Luckily for Nikita, it wasn't the other blonde that was apart of his genetics. Just the boy. "Nikita." Draco chuckled. Nikita bashfully brushed her hair away from her face, "Draco. I'm very sorry for my clumsiness."

"No, that's ok. I see you're excited to see the first task."

"Isn't everyone?" Nikita asked.

"Maybe. Diggory might do ok even though he's a Hufflepuff."

"What about Mr. Potter?"

"I don't like to talk about him."

"Oh? And why not?"

"I don't exactly care for him too much."

"I see. Anything I can help with?" Nikita smirked evilly. Draco was slightly taken aback by this. He had never seen the princess show her sinister side. However, he knew it was somewhere in her since her father was the Dark Lord himself.

Yes, Draco knew. He knew almost the whole time. See, his father isn't too keen with her. And of course, once his father, Lucius, shows a distaste for someone, he is always outwardly vocal about it. And it didn't take long for Nikita to ruffle the feathers of everyone she came across. Blaise was no exception. Once he divulged this bit of information to Blaise, his true best friend, Blaise was more than a little intrigued by the idea. And as such, Blaise had taken it upon himself to tease Pansy about it relentlessly.

Pansy hadn't taken too kindly to the mysterious new girl from Beauxbatons who had seemingly caught Draco's eye. Which of course was something she had been trying to do ever since her parents gave her the idea that they would be betrothed on her 16th birthday. What they didn't know was somebody else was to determine that, not them themselves. The price you pay for being a pureblood.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Malfoy, would you be so kind as to escort me to the first task?"

"Yes, milady." Draco slightly bowed making Nikita giggle to herself. Nikita then stood right next to Draco as they walked together to the first task of the Tournament. And during that walk it only took Nikita five seconds to notice that every girl within a 1 mile radius of the two of them, looked at them in jealousy, including Pansy. Nikita wasn't exactly prepared for this kind of hatred but nevertheless, she ran with it. Something made them jealous, and to her, that was a good thing.

After taking a good amount of time to walk to the newly built arena for the first task, which was surprisingly far away from the school itself, Nikita had found Ani standing angrily next to the handsome Blaise. "Hello, Ani. Mr. Zabini."

"Hello, Nikita. Draco." Blaise said curtly. Nikita and Draco could feel the tension between the two of them.

"Is there a problem?" Nikita asked.

"No, no problem. Just keep your bitch away from me." Draco and Nikita were shocked by this announcement. But Ani took it upon herself to waste no time in her retort.

"Yes, that should be no problem. You wouldn't want to get your head bitten off by this bitch!" Ani spat back. She then turned abruptly and stomped her way up the stairs to the Beauxbatons section. Blaise soon followed to his section. Draco and Nikita were still shellshocked by what happened. Lately thats all Ani and Blaise have been doing, just fighting like cats and dogs. It was starting to get annoying to say the least. Nikita slightly bowed her farewell to Draco before following her best friend to her section. Finding a seat in the packed newly built arena was anything but simple. Everybody was there, cheering on their champions and showing their school pride. Nikita sat waiting for the games to begin. And they would soon. For this was just the beginning.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2017 ⏰

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