Chapter 35: Culpable

Start from the beginning

"Never, I'll never leave someone behind." Shota clenched his hands. "Even if she has no one to rely on, she most likely has friends. If she's affected, then her friends will too. They'll become villains, and their families will be affected as well."

"I'm glad." Izuku closed his eyes. "Please, bring her back safe."

"We will." Your grandfather appeared in the doorway. "She's our heiress, after all."

Izuku weakly smiled. "Yeah."

"Stay there and recover, (Y/n) has to see you all in full health."



A gentle blue light surrounded you. A mask covered your mouth, bubbles floating to the top. Your eyes were closed, but aware of what was happening.

Wires were attached to your body. You felt someone touch the glass container so you opened your eyes. You closed them once again when you saw a sight you did not want to see.

"Look at me, please." Yuu frowned when you didn't. "Please, just once."

You refused to give him any attention. And just like that, he left.

"She's so cute!!" Himiko pressed her face against the glass container. "She looks so tasty!"

"Shut up." Dabi glared at her.

"Why do you have her here, master?" Tomura could feel envy bubble in his chest.

"She's an important piece for our success."

You opened your eyes, now golden. A pretty glowing golden that captivated Himiko.

"She's so pretty..." She said in a daze. "I'm so happy she's here."

"I'm happy as well." All for One's grin was unsettling. "Talk to me, my dear. Please?"

You closed your eyes once again.

"That's not very polite."

Your eyes shot wide open when high-frequency waves entered your container.

Leave me alone!!

Your voice bounced around the walls but you didn't open your mouth.

"There you are, wonderful."

Get the fucking frequency off.

"Turn it off." All for One called to the scientist. "She's talking."

You relaxed once again and glared at All for One.

"Her glare is so beautiful it makes me wanna be her!!" Himiko grew excited and badly wanted to break the glass container.

"Tell me, what's your favorite color?" All for One asked.

I do not have a favorite color.

"I'm sure you do. Mine is golden, it's such a pretty color." All for One watched you close your eyes again.

All colors have something to them. Even the most boring colors.

"What a lovely statement. How old were you when you were first kidnapped?"

Your eyes shot wide open.

Why do you want to know?

"I'd like to get to know you better."

You can just use your quirk on me.

"But the suspense is quite fun, don't you think?"

I was kidnapped around the age of five.

Golden •Hispanic/Latina!Fem!Reader x Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto•✓Where stories live. Discover now