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Y/n POV:

Ugh I'm so tired.. what time is it? I look over at the clock on my nightstand. 9:37 A.M. Might as well get up since I'm awake. I walk out into the kitchen to see Mark making something on the stovetop.

"Hey Y/n," he said glancing at me before returning his gaze to the stove. "I'm just making some pancakes for breakfast. My mom left for work earlier so it's just you and me." He came over to the couch and handed me a plate of pancakes. "Since you're technically living with my mom and I because of the..." he trailed off at the end, but I knew he was thinking of the plane crash. "Since, you're living with us," he continued, "I was thinking maybe we could get you enrolled in my school." I thought about it for a second. Well, it is summer right now, so I'd get a fresh start for my senior year if I enroll. "Sure, why not."

After finishing our breakfast, we got in the car and drove to the nearby school. "So," I said trying to destroy the awkward silence in the car. "Are you popular at school since you're Ranboo?" There was silence for a moment before he said, "Well no one knows I'm Ranboo, except for you and my mom, but I'd say I'm a bit popular at school for other reasons." We pulled up to the parking lot and to my surprise there were actually quite a few cars there. Summer school or summer camp probably. As we got out of the car I hear a girl voice yell, "GIRLS LOOK IT'S MARK!" Before I knew it, a whole mob of girls run over to Mark, pushing me off my feet.

"Hey Mark!! Are you free on Friday," I hear one girl say. A different girl pushes her away and says "Ignore her Mark. I can do so much better than her! How about we go to the movies tonight?" Wow, talk about obsessed. I'm still on the ground and (author's note: I forgot y/n was in a leg cast soo..) I was struggling to get up because of my cast. I noticed Mark push through the girls and hold my hand to help me up. He handed me my crutches and said, "You can thank me later." Me, being very confused, I said, "What do you-" All of a sudden a blonde girl a few inches taller than me pushes through the crowd to Mark and says, "Mark long time no see!!"

I think he knew she would show up eventually because he grabbed my hand and we started to walk away. "Um.. Mark?!" She yelled while following him through the parking lot. Mark stopped walking and sighed, "What do you want Avery?" She giggled in the most annoying way possible and said, "Well I was wondering if you'd like to-" Her eyes moved over to me and lit up with fury. "I'm sorry, who are you?" She snapped at me. "I'm-" I started to say before Mark cut me off. "This is Y/n, they're staying at my place, and if you'll excuse us we're going to get them enrolled here," he said quickly before pulling me away again. Avery let out a angry huff before I heard her walk away making every step dramatic with her high heels.

We walked into the principal's office and Mark started talking to the secretary. "Hi Mrs. Doris," he said, and she looked up at him from her computer. "Is Principal Taylor in today? I was hoping to enroll my friend Y/n here into the school." She looked at me and smiled. "Of course dear. Just give a little knock on the door, and you'll be right in to his office."

Let's do a time skip to after y/n got enrolled and they're leaving the building...

Ranboo POV:

Oh my gosh could Avery get any more annoying? She's being trying to get for 2 years can't she take a hint? I'm just hoping Y/n and I can get out of the building without any more interruptions. Right as we reach the car I hear a voice from behind me say "Yo, Mark is that you?" Y/n and I turn around to see my friend Mason walking towards us. He has blonde hair, blue eyes, and he's 6'1. Mason looks like the average guy, but he still has a bunch of fan girls just because he's on the football team.

"Hey Mason," I say a little irritated because I want to get back to my house. "I was just wondering.." he says and starts to whisper "is the person you're with single?" Clearly, he didn't whisper quiet enough because I saw Y/n roll her eyes. "Yes I'm single, but I'm not interested." Y/n said before getting in the car. I looked back at Mason and said "I'll uh.. I'll catch you later Mason." Then I got into my car and drove off back to my house.

848 words 😳
But of a longer chapter heh- well I'm gonna start working on the next one

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