Chapter 10

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Tommy could hear Wilbur's footsteps on the paving outside his house. He lay unmoving on his bedroom floor, praying that this would work. He heard Wilbur fiddle with the door handle, and the unmistakeable creak of the door opening. It wasn't locked after all. Wilbur carefully climbed the steps, and, upon seeing the light spilling out from underneath one of the doors, opened it. He sighed in relief when he realised that it was Tommy's room, but where was the boy?

'Wil, I'm here.' Tommy croaked from the floor and Wilbur flinched when he saw the extent of the damage that he had endured.

'Toms, I'm gonna have to carry you. It's going to hurt like hell, but you've got to try and keep as quiet as possible, okay?'

Tommy nodded, tears still dripping down his face. Wilbur suddenly had an idea and tiptoed into the bathroom. He returned holding a face towel.

'Here, if you put this in your mouth you can bite down on it and it will make it easier not to scream.'

'Ok.' Tommy whispered, his voice thick with tears and pain. Wilbur passed him the towel and he bit down on it, hard, as he felt hands going underneath him. He was on fire. His whole body was on fire. Although he was trying his hardest not to scream, he couldn't help but let out a few tormented cries which, thankfully, were muffled by the towel.

'I'm just going to take you straight down to the car. We'll be there in a few seconds, you'll be okay.' Wilbur consoled him, and began to creep down the stairs.

The initial pain of being picked up had subsided slightly, and Tommy managed to stay moderately silent, although tears of agony streamed down his bruised face.

When they reached the car, Wilbur gingerly laid Tommy out across the two backseats and wasted no time in running to the driver's seat and leaving as soon as he possibly could.

'Tommy, you're out. You're never going to have to go back there, I promise. It's going to be okay.'

Upon hearing these words, Tommy began to weep, the emotion of the past nine years surging through him.

He sobbed uncontrollably the entire way back.

• • •

Tommy's screams echoed down Wilbur's street as he picked the boy up again to take him inside. Wilbur's heart ached; he could hardly bear hurting him, but he knew that it was necessary so he continued going.

He carried Tommy's frail body inside and up the stairs and laid him on the bed in the spare bedroom, where he lay, shaking and sobbing.

'I'm sorry Toms, it's over now. You're okay. I promise.'

Tommy faintly nodded before he suddenly broke into a coughing fit, his entire body heaving. Wilbur looked on in horror, as he saw that he had coughed up blood.

'Shit Tommy. We need to get you to the hospital.'

'No. Please, Wilbur.' Tommy croaked. Wilbur swallowed and nodded, before running down to his car to retrieve the bag of items he had bought to deal with Tommy's injuries.

He spent the next hour slowly patching Tommy up, applying bandages and steri-strips to his back, and various ointments to the burns on his legs. He desperately wanted to take him to the hospital, but he knew that Tommy would never forgive him. Tommy wept throughout the entire process of being patched up and Wilbur, although he hated to admit it, also couldn't stop himself from crying softly.

Once he had finished, he tucked Tommy underneath the duvet before grabbing his own duvet and lying down on the floor of the guest bedroom. There was no way he was going to leave him alone, not while he was in this state.

After quickly sending texts to Tubbo, Ranboo and Dream saying that Tommy was safe and with him, he fell into a deep sleep.

• • •

Wilbur woke up to the sound of someone softly sobbing; after a few moments of confusion, he remembered the events of last night and immediately walked over to the bed to check on Tommy. When he got there, Tommy's eyes were puffy and red; he had obviously been awake for a while. Wilbur sighed and clambered into the bed with him. (A/N: This is all platonic, they have a brotherly relationship. Please do NOT ship minors.)

'What's going on Tommy?'

The blonde boy sniffled in response. 'Wil, I'm so sorry. I don't know what to do. I can't put all of this on you, it's just not fair on you. I'm gonna have to go back there.'

Wilbur sighed and gently hugged Tommy, being careful not to hurt him.

'Tommy. You're like my little brother, you know that? I won't let you go back there. From now on, you live with me, and I want you to live with me, okay?'

Tommy slowly nodded in response.

Both of them knew, without even discussing it, that Tommy's parents wouldn't report him missing. They didn't care enough, and they would be too paranoid about police being involved with their son at all.

'How are your injuries feeling?' Wilbur asked softly.

'Painful,' Tommy admitted, 'But better than last night.'

Wilbur stood up. 'I'm going to go get you some breakfast. What do you want?'

'I don't mind.'

Wilbur smiled and nodded, heading out of the room. As soon as he left, he allowed the tears that he had been holding back for Tommy's sake to flow freely. Life was so fucking unfair. He couldn't think of anyone who deserved this shit less than Tommy.

(A/N: Thanks everyone for reading! I still can't believe people are actually reading this. I hope you're all enjoying, and it would mean the world if you voted <3 )

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