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Yibo thought his world was crashing down, he could hear his heart  break...literally. He was trembling and tears filled his eyes. He was late  again and this time, he had no one to blame but himself.  He just stood  there staring at the scene in front of him. He couldn't move. It felt  like he was paralyzed.

"Hey Yibo, you ready to go. We are pretty much done here" Yin was  talking but Yibo did not hear and did not respond. Yin tapped on his  shoulder "Yibo, hey...what's wrong? You drunk? Still around?....Earth to  Yibo...Hello?"

Then Yin looked at the direction Yibo was staring at and  understood what got him bothered. Yin was so furious, he wanted to punch  some sense into Zhan. But he wanted to get Yibo out of there first. It  was just a few mins, but when he turned around and Yibo wasn't there. He  panicked and started searching for him all over the party. He couldn't  find Yibo anywhere and was getting nervous when he found Zhan.

"Yin, where is Yibo? I need to see him, I really need to talk to  him right now" Zhan was frantic and rambling on about seeing Yibo  urgently, but Yin was just suppressing his anger to punch him.

"I don't know where is he and I wouldn't tell you even if I do" he snapped at Zhan.

"Yin, please I know you don't like me, but I really need to talk  to him now. Can you just tell me where he is?" Zhan was stressed now.

"How can you do this to him? Again? Do you not see his feelings?  Do you not see his love? How can you be so oblivious?" Yin was now  practically yelling at Zhan but Zhan heard nothing. Yin's word's kept  repeating in his head. Yibo has feelings for him. He needed to find Yibo  as soon as possible.


It was finally the opening party of the studio, This had been one  of the special projects of Zhan. Zhan was more than happy with his  work, happy with his recording and happy to be invited to be invited to  the party. This was also special because he got to see Yibo at his work  for the first time. After the opening ceremony, Zhan spent some time  with his team, spent some time stuffing himself with all the food and  drinks and finally retrieved to the recording room when he needed to  escape from the crowd.

Zhan was sitting in the recording room, admiring his own art work when Bo Lin walked in with two glasses of champagne.

"Ah! Bo Lin, I think I've had enough already" Zhan tried to refuse.

"This is not to celebrate the studio, this is to celebrate you." Bo Lin pushed the drink back to Zhan.

"What do you mean?" Zhan was intrigued now.

"Buddy, you are a star now. Have you been online lately?" Bo Lin said taking out his phone. "Look!"

He pulled up the song they posted online to show Zhan that it has reached almost 20 million views in less than 2 weeks.

"Everyone loves your voice, they all love you. I told you this  would work. You should have more trust in me next time" He was ecstatic,  even more than Zhan.

And that is why Zhan was little surprised when Bo Lin suddenly  hugged him like that suddenly. He was so happy to see that his song was  doing so well. He got so excited reading all the comments and all the  support he has been receiving online but he still did not expect Bo Lin  to abruptly pull him into his arms for a hug. He patted his back and was  about to pull back when he noticed Yibo staring at them.

Yibo was inside the recording room on the other side of the glass and  staring blankly at him. Yibo had a dejected, sad look on his face that  he had never seen before. He wanted to run to Yibo right away, he didn't  know why but he wanted to talk to him instantly.

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