Chapter 4

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-Meliodas' POV-

"Okay, start with stand on the skateboard." I said and held her hands as she got up on the skateboard.

"Good. Can you hold your balance?" I asked as I slowly let go of her hands. She nodded and said "Think so."

"You're doing amazing. Now try to kick yourself away and move forward." I said, taking her hands once again to help her hold her balance.

She did then as told and kicked the ground to move. I jogged beside her, making sure she didn't trip.

"Okay, I will let you go now, try to continue like this." I told her. She gave a small nod and we slowly let go of each other.

"You're doing great Elizabeth!" I said as she kicked the ground again. Then it started to move a bit too fast for her and she started to swing back and forth.

"Elizabeth! Look out!" I said and ran towards her, but she fell. I jumped towards her, taking a hold of her as we hit the ground.

I groaned as I sat up.

"Are you okay?" I asked, letting go of Elizabeth. She nodded, but then took her hands to my cheek.

"You're asking me if I'm okay? You scratched your cheek!" She said. I just smiled at her, standing up.

"It's fine. I have fallen and gotten worse injuries before. Maybe we should take you home before El gets worried." I suggested.

"I doubt he would get worried over me. I don't like him and he doesn't like me." She answered as we started walking, me taking my skateboard.

"Why do you hate each other so much? If I was gay, El would definitely be my type and you two are pretty alike. Not only with looks." I answered. I'm not gay. Definitely not. I'm getting this feeling with Elizabeth too, but a bit different. It's not as much... extreme. I don't wanna fuck her, just hang with her, like the others in the seven deadly sins.

"But if you're not gay and I'm alike my brother that you could of had a crush on, shouldn't that mean you like me?" She asked, blushing and looking away.

I also blushed, but shook my head, saying "N-No, I don't h-have any live interest! We barley know e-each other!" I excused. It was quiet as we both calmed down from our blushing.

"Do you... like me?" I asked, not looking at her.

"N-no, w-why would you think that?"

"Because of your question before. It kinda sounded like you did." I said. She nodded and we continued walking home to her. Once we arrived at her house, we bid goodbye and I walked home again.

. . . . .

"Wow, what happened to your cheek Captain?" King asked as I sat down at our table.

"Just fell yesterday. Nothing too serious." I smiled. They nodded as Diane asked "How was it with El's sister? Was she nice?"

"Very nice. I think you all would like her." I said as I started eating, thinking of Elizabeth. My mind quickly switched to El though.

I'm still having this feeling towards him.

What if I am gay? I'm pretty fine with it, but my dad? How would he react? Didn't mom and dad break up for that reason? I think mom was gay, but figured that out right after Zeldoris was born. That's why she left us...

Since then, dad have only talked bad things about gay people.

They are 'unpolite', 'thinks they are better then others', 'stupid' and most of all 'they will eradicate the humans'.

He always explained what is the worst with it. He did it, using his fingers. Often, he would use his fingers.

First, he made the 'ok' thing with his one hand before making his other hand a fist except the pointer finger that stood out.

He would push his pointer finger through the hole that the thumb and pointer finger made while saying "This works. This will make children."

Then he would take both his pointer fingers and touch the top of them with the other, saying "This doesn't work. It makes no children."

Lastly, he would make two 'ok' things with his hands and pulling them together.

"This works not either. No children. No children mean the humans will die out and vanish."

Dad would practically kick me out if he gets to know.

But still, every time when I think about Em, I blush and want him with me. I want him close at that too. To hug him tight.

I want to fuck him so hard, enjoying every second of it. When I really think of him, he's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.

Maybe I should talk to someone about it? Ban is my best friend, so maybe if I start with asking him about it?

That's what I will do. I will talk to Ban about it.

"-ain?! Captain?!" Diane asked, making me look at her.

"Yes Diane?" I asked, but Escanor answered "You zoomed out, again."

"Is everything okay?" Diane asked. I just nodded, saying "I just argue with myself over... something personal. I rather not talk about it."

They nodded while Merlin said "You can always talk to us, you know?"

I nodded, then asked "Ban?"

"What's up?"

"The ceiling, but can I talk to you after school? Alone?"

He nodded, making me smile, saying "Great."

We continued to chat away until lunch was over and we retreated to our hell called lessons. It was so boring and I just couldn't stop staring at El. He's so beautiful and innocent. I want to be there for him, forever and ever.

As the last lesson was going to it's end, I couldn't help then to tap the pencil in the desk over and over.

"Okay class, that was all. Now get out of the classroom so I can go and be with my family." Hendrickson said as everyone rushed out. Me and Ban was the last people out.

"So, what do ya wanna talk about Captain?" Ban asked. I sighed and said "Promise to not tell anyone."

He nodded as I said "I think I'm in love."

"Yeah! That's good for ya!" He said and patted my shoulder.

"That was not what I wanted to say." I said and looked away from him.

"What is it?" He asked, sounding a bit worried.

"I'm... gay..."

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