School (Story)

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"Time for school, make sure you don't miss your bus." My mom said as she held pancake batter in her hand.

I felt this nauseating feeling deep within my stomach for today on this day August 24th, 2028 I will be starting my first day of Junior year.

I dreaded the days until my wonderful summer as I know it would come to an end. The smores, campfire songs, and the memories my friends Jessica and Alina all shared, telling of ghost stories and what we hoped this year would bring.

I slowly rolled out from under my covers as the cold friction of the wood hit my warm feet. My vision is blurred yet I still know where to look for my glasses whenever I need them.

Reaching for my glasses as I placed them on my face and felt the cool metal hit the bridge of my nose. I watched the leaves turn from a luscious green to a blood red-orange. I became somber for I felt the pain within the leaves, the anguish of the changing colors, and never truly knowing why the beauty will not ever stay the same.

Walking over to my closet as I retrieved my favorite outfit, orange jogging pants, and jacket with a white tank top. My phone started to light up as I looked at the Caller ID, Jessica asked if I was going to be able to make it by the start of class. I informed her that I would be able to make it- while reassuring her each time as she doubted.

Turning on Spotify as I played my instrumental tunes that woke up each and every morning. I turned on the water while adjusting it to the temperature of my liking, reminiscing on all the fun a summer camp had given me.

While in the shower, I heard my mother inform me that I had around thirty minutes before the bus shall arrive, and leave to go to the next stop. I finished frantically while making sure I had enough time to do my hair. I placed my bonnet on the mannequin while looking at myself in the mirror- My Mahogany skin, big chestnut brown eyes, full lips, and nose with glasses. I loved my imperfections, the very things that made me-Me.

Unfortunately, others do not understand and probably will never understand for I am what most would call- A Class of their own. I grabbed my Aussie Leave-In-Conditioner and Shea Butter Creme as I dried the remaining of my partially damp hair and twisted my hair. This 4C hair is indeed a struggle as I grabbed my comb and sectioned my hair off and started to twist.

I twisted my hair and after twenty minutes a beg on the knee, and promise that will be indeed kept. I will have a ride to school. I put my clothes on straightened my jacket, shoes, and grabbed my already prepared bookbag. "Osina!" My mom shouted from the stair while putting on her jacket, and shoes.

I needed to hurry, I grabbed my house key while rushing down the stairs up and onward to the Den of Hell.

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