15 | Slug Club Christmas Party

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Scorpius stared at the imposing Vanishing Cabinet, wand raised and ready. Beads of sweat were already forming on his forehead, tired and spent from trying again and again, but he knew that he should persist.

He'd been in the Room of Requirement for exactly three hours now, and yet, there was still no progress from his part. He had tried to transport an apple for hours, but every time he whispered the spell and waited for a few seconds, the apple would still be inside the cabinet.

He was slowly growing frustrated. He actually planned on merely staying for an hour, knowing he still had essays to finish, but the disappointment of his failures urged him to stay.

"Harmonia Nectere Passus," he whispered for the umpteenth time. Scorpius closed his eyes and held his breath, praying desperately that this time, he would be able to succeed. He immediately wrenched the door open, but to his disappointment, the green apple was not transported.

'Okay, Scorpius, try for the last time,' he firmly told himself.

Scorpius took a sharp intake of breath, willed himself to focus on his task at hand, and whispered, "Harmonia Nectere Passus." His eyes almost bulged out from their sockets when he heard a soft whoosh inside.

Heart in his throat, hand slightly shaking, he wrenched the door open and almost cried at the emptiness that greeted him.

Scorpius closed the door once more, whispered the spell against the cabinet, and heard the same sound. He couldn't help but release a loud whoop when the green apple was back inside.

He grabbed the fruit, took a huge bite from it, and walked out of the Room of Requirement in better spirits.


"You're really going?"

Scorpius glanced at Blaise's reflection and shrugged. "I'm already dressed, so..." He trailed off and adjusted his cufflinks, smoothed down some invisible wrinkles on his handsome dress robes, and carefully parted his hair into a clean, fashionable style.

He gave himself another once over, before nodding in satisfaction. Scorpius wasn't quite sure why he was fussing over his look; back in his time, during charity balls his mother loved to throw, the blond wasn't entirely mindful of his clothes. Today, however, was strangely an exception.

"And you're really taking Granger?" his friend continued. Scorpius glared, seeing the smirk on the Italian's face.

"None of your bloody business, Zabini," he spat. He was thankful their room was dark; Blaise would have become more amused if he'd seen the blush on his pale cheeks.

"Well, have fun," he finally said, waving his hand in dismissal, then plopped down on his bed.

Scorpius frowned and left their room. He quickly darted out of the Common Room, spying Pansy's silky hair lounging on one of the couches; she'd been adamantly pestering him to bring her to the Christmas party, but Scorpius fervently refused, saying he didn't plan on bringing someone. He knew if she discovered he was taking Granger, well, all hell would break loose.

Hermione was waiting for him at the foot of the grand staircase, nervously looking around. Scorpius faltered in his steps as he took in her form. Eyes widening, jaw dropping, and heart quickening a tad bit, he beheld Hermione's lovely appearance and felt his mouth dry. She wasn't even wearing anything extravagant – just a pale, pink dress that wonderfully highlighted the brownness of her eyes. He noticed a hint of make-up on her face, nothing heavy unlike how Pansy always wore hers, and there was a simple necklace resting on the creamy expanse of her collarbone.

Rewritten || Scorpius x Hermione Time Travel AUWhere stories live. Discover now