Chapter 1

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-Meliodas' POV-

"Boooooooooooooring." I repeated once again. I hate class.

"Meliodas, please be quiet or I have to send you to detention." The teacher said. All I did was shrug and say "Class in boring."

"I know it is, b-" She was cut off by the door opening. Two people walked inside. The first was the principal and the other was someone else I never seen before.

"Oh, Bartra, who's this... kid?" Dreyfus asked.

"Everyone, this is my youngest child out of four." The principal said, taking a hand over the new kids head. We couldn't see the face because of the hoodie that covered the most part of it. The hoodie was black, big and went down to just above the knees. Then it was some black vans with black pants.

"You can call me El for short. I'm 16." He? Said. They looks like a boy, but the voice is higher then a boy, but lower then a girl. Like before when a boy gets into puberty that the most of us already have in our class.

Then, I assume it's he, looked up at Bartra, asking "Can I go home now?"

"No sweetie, you have school now." The principal said. That must have been embarrassing for El. Really embarrassing.

It was even some that started laughing quietly.

"I hate you." El said before looking over the classroom. Then he asked "Can I sit in the back?"

Dreyfus nodded and El started walking towards the back. He sits beside Ban.

El's lucky.

"Well, that was all." He said and walked away for the lesson to continue.

. . . . .

The lunch came and I was going to hang with my friends. As I came there, I saw El sitting with them. Huh, guess we will have another person in our group.

"Sup guys." I said as I sat down at the table. They all greeted me except El.

"I'm Meliodas, you might have heard of me. I'm pretty well known as the badboy in our grade." I said. Stretching out my hand in a fist to do a fist bump.

"I'm El." He just said before eating some more. I retreated my fist as Ban started laughing.

"Haha! Sorry Captain, but El here is hard to get." Ban said as taking his arm around El's shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I didn't know the principal had a a kid. How big is your family?" Diane asked.

"Mom's dead and it's four children in total. Three girls and one boy. One of them is my twin." El said, taking another bite. We all nodded as Ban said "Gotta be hard having three sisters."

El was just quiet. I could see a small smile on his face.

"So you seems to like black, that's your favo colour?" I asked. He just nodded. Then Gowther said "Just like the Captain."

"Why do ya say Captain?" El asked.

"Our group named seven deadly sins, Meliodas got us together with help from me." Merlin said, getting a nod from El.

"So, we have thought of goin' out after school, ya know, do things. Goin' with us?" Ban asked. This time El shook his head, saying "Detention."

"You could just skip. We all have already at least 100 hours of detention we never gone to." King said.

"My dad is principal, he won't be happy." El answered. We nodded in understanding.

We could wait-" Diane was cut off by El saying "It's a 4 hours detention."

"Wow, in this speed, you will be equal to us in no time." Escanor said. Everyone nodded as the bell rang. Every student went out of the cafeteria except us. Not even El.

"You not going to your lesson?" King asked.

"It's boring, I rather stay here. You then?" El asked.

"We usually skip this lesson." Gowther answered. El nodded as we continued to chat a bit.

. . . . .

The school day was over and we was at the skate boarding park. Diane and King using scooters, Gowther and Merlin using bicycles as us others used skateboards.

We was all doing tricks, chatting and stuff.

"So what do you all think about El?" King asked.

"He's cool." I answered.

"Yup." Ban said. Then Diane spoke "El's nice, but we need more girls in our group."

"Guess he's okay." Escanor said as everyone else who hadn't said agreed.

"You think he can skate?" I asked, doing a 180 in a jump.

"Maybe." Ban said, going to his bag and yelling "Guys! I have the soda!"

We all went up to him as we sat on the ground in a ring.

"Here's the snacks I got." I said and threw them on the ground. Everyone else put their snacks, drinks or whatever they got in the middle.

I started with a coke and biscuit chocolate.

"So, where pilfer we next time?" I asked, making everyone else start discussing. We chatted and discussed about 5 minutes before a car pulled up. We all hurried to hide all the snacks and drinks in our bags before standing up.

We was just about to run away when we saw who stepped out of the car.

It was El.

He still had his hoodie on, but this time, he had a black  hat and the hood down. His eyes was an crystal blue and it was short hair looking out from his hat. It was silver.

His twin must be gorgeous if she have the same eyes and hair.

We all sat down again as we saw El walk up to skate boarding with his own skateboard. I don't think he have seen us yet and the car drove away.

"Let's see what he can." I said. Everyone nodded as El stood on his skateboard. Then he started.

He started with a jump, holding the skateboard as he did a 360 at the side to land on the edge, gliding around meter before going down in the rink again.

We saw him jump up in the air, while the skateboard spun around before landing perfectly, just to continue.

"Let's join." I said, taking my skateboard before running and jumping into the rink too.

"Yo El! You're good. Wanna have a contest?"

. . . . .

"So you all just snatch things from the store and run here when you feel like it?" El asked, making us nod. We was all drained after our contest. In the end, it was me that won, but barley.

We was sitting in the ring again, eating the rest and drinking our sodas.

El declined before we told him how we got everything, he had his own with him. That being an apple and energy drink.

"Have this, it's better." I said and gave him my coke that was just half full.

"I rather eat my apple and drink this." He said, taking a sip. We all just laughed a bit at it before I said "If that's what you want."

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