Another Day, Another Dollar

Start from the beginning

I nearly finished the bottle, maybe had a cup or two to go until it was empty but I felt sick. I couldn't finish it. I felt so drained, so tired. I hadn't showered, scared I would rid his touch. I hadn't slept much. I told myself I had to be awake for when he came home or for when he called.

But I couldn't do it anymore. I had to shut my eyes and when I did. I didn't realise how much damage it truly did.

"Anna, Anna!"

"What, Draco? I'm trying to tan. Unlike you I care what colour my skin is" I open my eyes as I sat up from the chair and took my sunglasses off.

"Muggle beaches are utterly disgusting. How could you stand all these fat men walking around shirtless" Draco scoffed as I let a small giggle pass my lips.

"Don't worry. The only guy I ever wanna see shirtless is you" I swung my feet to the side of the chair as I noticed the faint smile on Draco's face "What?"

"I love you" 

"Aww, I love you" I stood from my chair and sat down next to him on his. He wrapped his arm around my waist as I leant my head on his shoulder.

"I'm serious Anna. I don't know what I would do without you" he whispered into my ear as I sighed and melted into his touch.

"And I'm serious as well. You're my soulmate Draco. I really have no clue where I would be if you weren't here. I would hate myself if I let anything happen to you"  I wrapped my arms around his bare torso.

"But you did. Why did you?" He asked as I leant off his shoulder and furrowed my eye brows.

"W- What do you mean?"

"Why did you make me go to that party?"

I shot up from my sleep, panting heavily and I noticed that I broke quiet the sweat. I hadn't fully woken up so I didn't take my surroundings in but when I did I nearly fell off the bed.

I was in the hospital.

I don't know how I got here or what I even did-

"Anna" Kehlani rushed to my side and held onto my hand as I looked at her confused.

"Where am- what happened?" I asked her as she sighed.

"We don't know yet. The doctor still has too-"

"Miss Moore. Good you're awake" A doctor came waking in, a clip board in his hand as he stopped just beside me "How are you feeling?"

"I- I'm feeling fine- what- why am I here?" I asked, my head slightly hurting but nothing I couldn't manage.

"We have your results back" he said simply as he stared down at his clip board "We found large amounts of Mandrake juice and death potion in your system"

"Death potion-"

"I wish there was a more professional name but there isn't. Luckily you didn't digest enough for it to be lethal and Miss Zabini over there found you before it could do any internal damage" The doctor explained as I felt utterly confused. I felt as though I had missed a chapter of my life.

"Where Elora?" I asked, realising that Kehlani didn't have her.

"At home with dad and his new lady friend" Kehlani said softly as I tore my hand from hers.

"Lani- you can't- You can't leave my baby with strangers. I- I need to get out of here, please let me leave, I can't-"

"Anna, calm down. You can't leave yet. The hospital has you on suicide watch" Kehlani took my hand back into hers as I flinched.

"Suicide watch? What- I didn't-"

"No one is assuming you did Miss Moore. It's just a precaution the hospital likes to take when a potion of this seriousness is ingested" the doctor explained as calmly as he could as I slumped back onto the bed.

"And Elora is 100% fine. Don't worry" Kehlnai assured me as I took a deep breath out, calming for a short second before I remembered.

"Draco! W- Wheres Draco?! Lani he's- he's missing" I shot up from the bed again, my panic levels rising.

"Everyone is doing all they can to find him Anna. You need to calm-"

"Stop telling me to fucking calm down!" I shouted, silencing the doctor and Kehlani.

"I'll give you two some time" the doctor told Kehlani as she nodded and sat back in her chair, watching the doctor leave.


"I just want everything back to normal. Lani, I want my husband back, I want my family back"

This shit is full making me cry even though I know what happens next.

Word count 1416.

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