Bambi moved to sniff around me for more treats and I stomped my feet to whine, "Bambi!!! We had a deal... Stooppp I just gave ya food lemme out!" I giggled and jumped onto the footstool, trying to push Bambi out of the way but to no avail. I was too little.

With a pointed huff and a growl, I grabbed another apple, all of the horsie's attention was on the treat on my hand and it worked almost too well to get rid of him, when I chucked the fruit as far from the door as possible.

Bambi went running after it while I was finally free, stepping out of the stall and almost having a heart attack at the tall dark man waiting behind the wooden door.

Ant laughed at my tiny yelp and stumble.

My heart had given out a little in fear of falling, but before I could comprehend anything I was held against a strong chest and melting into it so deeply, almost moaning at the fresh earthy scent that enveloped me. I'd missed the warmth of his body against mine since he has slept in his own tent that night, leaving me cold and alone.

My previous terror long forgotten and forgiven, I curled my arms tightly around his middle, purring as he dipped his hand into my Sandy-brown hair the way he used to, "Missed youse." I mumbled and the dark haired prince chuckled.

"You saw me at dinner."

"Uhm but you were sat sooooo far away."

I loved how the northerner's chest vibrated with his chuckle and i squeaked in surprise as he heaved me up like i weighed less than a feather. "I was opposite you."

"And that was too far." A giggle escaped me, echoing through the empty barn as I wrapped my legs around his waist and used my thighs to sit up against his abs as he walked us towards the towering building blocks of hay.

Feeling free as a bird from that height and most of all brave, I gently pressed my lips to his, grinning when he gripped my butt and kissed back.

I trusted him endlessly, even when it felt like we were falling I just clung to him tighter and kissed him harder, knowing we'd be alright in the end.

And we were, we made it safely down into the bed of scratchy hay-bales and I buried my face in the taller man's strong neck, latching my teeth over the thick vein carrying his pulse.

Ant hummed deep in his throat, shifting to look down at my clingy form curiously, "Whats got you in such a good mood kidda?"

I paused my nibbling to meet his eye, unable to keep the smile from my cheeks, I shrugged, "Dunno."

His smile was dazzlingly white, he was so perfect. Genetic perfection.

"What're you doing down here anyway little Prince?" Ant's deep voice grumbled, looking about the stables, his hand smoothing over my back, "Don't you have your studies? You missed the council meeting this morning."

I felt my heart drop in discontent at the notion, a sour taste staining my mouth.

"I'm not being a Prince today." I grumbled, pushing my nose into his defined collarbone, trying to burrow a place to live. Ant laughed but there was concern tainting the jolly tune.

"You can't just decide to not be a Prince for the day Declan... that's not how it works."

"That's how it should work. I miss being a stable boy" I sulked, sitting up in his lap, my legs spread either side of his muscular thighs, "Being a Prince is exhausting."

"Don't I know it." The younger royal mumbled, his thumb gently caressing my chin as he studied my eyes. "But what you've got to understand Declan is that you were never a stable boy."

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