I turned and walked away from them, heading back towards Kehlani and Elora. I knew I was being just a tad over dramatic but he had never not come home, he and never broken his word.

He had never drunken to the point where he wouldn't come home and even if he did he would ALWAYS call me, whether he was drunk or not.

"How did it go, have they seen him?" She asked as I shook my head and let another sob leave my mouth "I- It's ok" she tried to assure me and I tried so hard to listen, I wanted to believe her but something in my gut was just telling me not too.

My phone started to ring and with hope it was him I took it from my pocket and answered it within a blink of an eye, only to hear a sweet female voice, my heart dropped once more.

"Hey, Dear. I heard you couldn't find Draco? I'm sure he will show up, why don't you come to the manor and we can have a chat, try to take your mind of it?" Narcissa suggested as I blew out a deep breath and nodded.

"Kehlani will you-"

"Of course" she smiled down at Elora as I silently thanked her and agreed the Narcissa over the phone before hanging up and grabbing my coat form the table.

"Anna" I stopped and turned to Kehlani "He'll show up" she nodded and I sadly smiled, kissing Elora on the cheek before I left.

"Please, sit" Narcissa smiled as we sat on an old chase in the dining room of the east wing in the house. I had never been here before and it gave me more of an eerie feeling then back at home.

"Thank you" I smiled as I accepted a cup of tea from her. I was feeling a little bit more calm but my heart was still racing at the endless possibilities.

I was so caught up in my worry that I didn't realise my leg bouncing up and down uncontrollably, another once of my anxiety twitches.

Narcissa placed her hand gently on my knee, making it stop as I looked up at her.

"I know you're worried. I must admit that Draco hasn't done this before but he wouldn't just leave you. He loves you more then you'll ever know. You and Little Elora mean the world to him, he couldn't be far" she smiled sweetly, trying to comfort me the best she could but I knew that in her head she was just as worried as I was, I mean... it's her own son.

"I know. That's why I'm so worried. What if something happened to him?" I asked as Narcissa shook her head.

"Draco isn't stupid. He's a strong man. I don't know anyone that would dare touch him, being who he is" she took a small sip of her tea as I nodded. She was right, he wasn't stupid.

"I saw Lucius and Daphne Greengrass at the three broomsticks" I said, tying to steer my focus towards something other then Draco.

Narcissa furrowed her eye brows and placed her cup of tea on the small coffee table before us.

"That's impossible, he's in Venice" she shook her head as the corner of her mouth quivered.

"He was with Daphne Greengrass, I assure you that it was them. I had spoken to them and asked if they had seen Draco" I said as I set my tea next to hers.

"Oh- uh. Silly me" she let out a small chuckle "I forgot he had returned last night... a- after the party"

"Are you sure?" I asked, raising a brow as she smiled and waved me off with out another thought "I really must be going. Thank you so much for the tea and chat Narcissa" I smiled as I leaned and placed a kiss to her cheek.

"I'm always here if you need" she kept her posture straight as they smile still sat on her face.

"Me to you as well" I bid her a farewell before apparating with a small crack.

I landed back in the empty manor. Kehlani still had Elora so I was left with myself and my dreadful thoughts. I took what Narcissa had said into careful consideration but my gut wouldn't have it. It was screaming that something was wrong, that someone was in danger.

I couldn't file a missing persons report until 72 hours but I didn't know if I would last that long without hearing from him. I felt tears well in my eyes as I collapsed onto the bottom stair.

And instead of trying to hold myself together, I just let it all go.

This was just a small filler until the big stuff x

Word count 1405.

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