Chapter 16- Mac 'n' Cheese, Mummy, and The bottle of Haig

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'Yes. She is' he looked at her and smiled.

'Perhaps there is hope for you after all. Bring her over for Christmas, I want to see this girl.' Violet ordered.

'It's fairly new, mummy, I don't think it is appropriate' He refused to get roped into his mother's schemes.

'Nonsense. Sherlock tells me she is spending Christmas alone. Do you really want your girlfriend to spend Christmas alone while you spend it with your family?' She tried to guilt-trip him.

Mycroft thought about all the ways he could get back at his brother for getting him in trouble. 'Mummy' he started but was cut off.

'I don't want to hear it. You are bringing her along and that's final. This is not up for discussion. Good Night' she said firmly before hanging up.

'Good Night, Mummy' he said in exasperation, not sure if she heard him. He looked at Tara, who was struggling to control her laughter. 'You are just like my brother, deriving sadistic pleasure in my pain'

'Hey! I'm not the one who called your mother and ratted you out' she defended, barely getting the words out between her laughter.

'Well! I am sure this part will be enjoyable for you. My mother wants you to come over for Christmas' he smirked.

'Hmmnn. I guess it is better than spending Christmas alone' Mycroft was surprised by how well she took it.

'Is that a 'yes'?' he was taken aback.

'Yes. I'll spend Christmas with you and your family' she smiled warmly.

'Thank you.' he said awkwardly.

'No need to thank me. But if you do want to thank me, tell me about your childhood' she asked

She told him about her childhood. It was only fair he did too. 'Alright. It was fine, I guess. It was a little difficult. Growing up with Sherlock was difficult. Always thought he was an idiot. Actually, we both did. That was until we met other kids.'

She grimaced and gagged 'ugghhh. That can be ghastly.' He raised an eyebrow at this 'What?! I told you I didn't get along with my peers either'

'You want to bet?' he couldn't believe she had a harder time than him.

'I got stuffed into the janitor's closet. At kinder garden. At KINDER GARDEN' she told him.

He tried to picture it and grimaced at the image. 'I'm sorry.'

'Don't worry. Never happened again after my brothers taught me how to throw a good punch'

They both laughed.

'My mother was so upset when she got to know about it, she wanted to change my school but my father wouldn't let her' she continued.

'Why not?'

'Well. Going to school at 'The Cathedral' was like a tradition for him. Everybody in my family went there. My grandparents, my parents, my uncles, my brothers... Everyone.' She explained.

'Did you like it?'

'I guess it was fun after I learned how to deal with bullies.' She wondered.

'Being different is never easy' Mycroft said with a sad smile.

She shared his sad smile. She knew what he meant.

Once they finished their dinner, Mycroft helped her clean up and do the dishes.

'I think it's time I leave' he said kissing her on the cheek

'You don't have to' she caught his wrist.

Eyes On You: Book-1 [A Mycroft Holmes Fanfiction]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora