"what do you mean?" I asked looking in her direction.

"Just forget about it." She stressed out. "We should get some sleep.. Goodnight." She told me before leaving my room as I sat there clueless.



I walked out of Paris's room a little upset. paris is always mad about how everyone compare her to me. but its not a walk in the park for me either.

everyone at school expects me too be outgoing, fun and different. just because that's how my sister is.

I don't even understand why we are being compared in the first place. It's not like we're twins. We are a whole year apart and two completely different people.

How can I explain it?

Let's see... I'm the cheerleading captain. She's on the basketball team.

I like Taylor swift. She likes nirvana.

I enjoy studying. She refuses to study.

See completely different!

I sighed as I crawled into my bed.

Soon somebody will finally see that.


I woke up to the sweet sound of Tyga blaring from my alarm clock.

i dragged my body out of my bed and into the bathroom.

im really not a morning person.

I handled my hygiene then went to my closet to find something to wear, after getting dressed I simply added some product to my curls then made my way down to the kitchen.

Violet looked up from the table with a smile. "You look cute." She compliment.

I chuckled shaking my head. I could never understand how she is so happy early in the morning.

She placed two pancakes onto my plate as I sat down.

"come on girls we gotta get going,I have an important meeting today." Dad told us as he came down the steps fixing his tie.

"So much for breakfast." I groaned as I got up from the table grabbing my phone and my bag.

30 mins later we arrived in front of our school.

I watched as my sister rushed out the car so she wouldn't be late for first period.

I took my precious time getting out the care, its not like I care about being late.

just as I was about to step out the car my dad stopped me.

"wait paris." He called out.

"yes dad?" I sang.

"I would like to make a deal with you." He began.

I smirked giving him my attention. "Keep talking." I encouraged.

dad chuckled. "okay, so I have these people coming to town to do business." He informed me. "if all goes well I can get them to be signed to interscope records." He smiled.

"okay?" I said in a weird tone. "How does this involve me?"

" the group im trying to sign goes by the name of mindless behavior." He told me. "they are not really famous yet but I saw them perform and they are great. when im done with them the whole world will know who they are." He assured me.

"The point dad. Get to the point." I told him.

"alright, alright." He said waving me off. " well this group mindless behavior contains 4 tennage boys, right around the age of you and your sister." He began. "they are going to be attending your school for the rest of senior year, and they will be spending a lot of time around the house." He informed me.

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