Ch. 2 - Rejection

Start from the beginning

He turned to walk away and she said, "Ummmm. Cain?" 

"Yeah," he asked turning back to face her. 

"Hey, I ummm. I just wanted to let you know this isn't something I normally do, going home with someone I just met. I don't want you to think I'm that type of person. I've actually never done this before." 

He smiled and said, "I know we just met but somehow I had a feeling you weren't that type of person. Just so you know, I've never brought a woman home from the bar with me until tonight," he said, looking into her eyes and giving her a sweet smile. Her intuition told her he was telling the truth. She noticed for the first time how gorgeous his steel grey eyes were and the long eyelashes that surrounded them. Women would kill to have those kind of eyes. 

He turned around and started heading into the house and she followed behind him. His house was nice and modern on the inside and when they walked down the hallway she saw pictures of a guy in a L.A. Kings hockey uniform on the cover of a Sports Illustrated magazine but the helmet was on so she couldn't tell who it was. 


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"Are you a big hockey fan?" she asked. 

He gave her a light-hearted laugh and said, "Ummm. Yeah you could say that." 

"Why do you laugh?" 

"Because that picture on the Sports Illustrated cover you're looking at is of me. I used to play professional hockey in California." 

"Wow really?" she asked, looking back at the wall of photos, looking over all of the pictures and newspaper clippings in his hallway. There was a picture of him holding up a Stanley Cup and a magazine article talking about him being the youngest recruit in L.A. Kings history and that he signed right out of high school at eighteen. 

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"I'm not obsessed with myself if that's what you're thinking. This entire shrine to me in the hallway was my Mom's doing. She's pretty proud to say the least. She came and helped me get the house all settled when I first moved in." 

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