" I really just guessed that seriously?"

" Yup you really just did."

He kept playing with my hair until I gave up and rested my head under is neck. I felt like this muscular man was my Beach chair and a massager all in one. He stopped playing with my hair because he thought it bothered me. 

" Why did you stop?" You said while getting his hand and placing it onto of your head. 

" I thought you felt on comfortable." He continued to play with your hair.

" No. Actually the complete opposite." 

 He continued to play with my hair and we talked about his life and how it's difficult things are. At some point in the conversation we realized it was dark and there was nobody around. So we headed back to the house. Sometime we throw sand at each other or push each other. At one moment he pushed me really hard that I fell. I was laughing and here he is worrying if im okay. 

" Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" 

" No dummy. It's sand." 

He extended his hand out to pick me up. I grabbed his hand put I pushed him down. Now we are both on the sand tackling and wrestling each other. At one point he pinned my hands onto of my head and was staring at me. I tried to wiggle around for I can break free but Jesus I did want to. I like this view of him.. I hope I do see this same view but shirt les- STOP!!

While wiggling around he started to laugh. One of my hands broke free and started to tickle him. NOW I'M FREE!! I got up and was about to run away until her grabbed my leg and pulled me down. Now I was laying on the sand while Chris is pulling towards him. When I was close enough to him. He rapped his arms around me and hugged me. It felt nice how his arm wrapped around my body. I tried to break free from his grip but I can clearly tell I wouldn't succeed. I just gave up and let him just hold me on the sand. 

" So when you planning to let go of me?" 

" Umm I think I'll never let go of you."

" Okay but you have to take me to my room." 

" Okay let's go." 

He sorta let go but his arms were still around me. He picked me up and put me on his back. 

" I get a piggyback ride?!" You said with a smile

" I said I wouldn't let go of you so i'm not." 

I put my arms around neck and rested my head on his shoulder. I started to play with his hair and talked to him about how we should film together. He actually was excited to make a film with me but we just have to wait until our agency call us for a casting. I was really good friends with Jamie Lee Curtis which now she is a director. I was thinking about calling her tomorrow. But for now I just want to enjoy the moment i'm getting a piggy back ride from Chris. 

We finally got home and Sebastian was no where to be found and dogger was sitting infant of Sebastians room. We both knew where Sebastian went. Chris finally took me to my room and placed me gently on my bed. I thought Chris was going to leave me in my room and leave. Clearly that didn't happen because he went around to the other side of my bed and layed down. 

" Your gonna sleep here tonight?"

" Maybe.. But for now come here." He said while grabbing my was it and pulling me towards him.

" What's wrong with you today? Is tonight your love language touch?"

" I'm just sick of cuddling my pillow. I need a human touch and Sebastian is huge so I cant cuddle with him So your my only option." 

" Don't get used to this. I like doing my starfish." 

" I won't it's just for tonight. But mean while I have you here. I'm going to enjoy this."

" I will enjoy this too."

 He put his right arm under my head and his other arm he wrapped his arm around my waist. He pulled me closer to his body. I put my hands on his neck and rested my head under his chin. His scent, His arms around me, the way he played with my hair, the way he rubbed his fingers down my back. That shit made me melt. I knew this was gonna go down hill since I never wanted this feeling to stop. The feeling that I felt safe with him, the feeling I was getting nervous when we hung out alone together. Just the feeling of like him more than just a friend. But I knew I had to take it slow because I didn't want to ruin something I loved having. 

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