Missing Them Pt. 1

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Missing Them: 2593 words
Spencer's POV

I'm supposed to be a genius. I don't think people should really be labeled like that, but I guess I fit the label. It just bothers me that I'm supposed to be the smartest one in any room I enter, but there are so many simple questions that I can't answer.

Why does everyone leave?

I know that it's just the course of things, and that it's not personal, but everyone is leaving me behind.

JJ left for the pentagon. I know she didn't want to, but she's just out there with people I don't know. I meet her every weekend, hoping she can make everyone leaving hurt a little less, but it never really works. I know she's allowed to have her own life, I'm just childish in wanting her back when she's working a job far better than this. I should be happy for her. I'm going to keep trying to be.

Emily's gone. There are very few things that have hurt more than Emily dying, and that's kind of saying a lot in my case. I know everyone's been having a hard time. I've been... sort of really having a hard time. I can't think anymore. How can I do anything knowing she's not there? There is no comfort of knowing she's living her life somewhere. She's gone. She can't... She's dead. Emily Prentiss, one of the best friends I've ever had, is dead. How do you ever move on from that?

Haley's gone too. I didn't know her all that well, but I know much Hotch cared about her and Jack, so I wanted them to be happy, together or not. I heard the way he cried that day and saw what was left of Foyet. Hotch seems okay now. I don't understand it, and I hope he doesn't fake it. I wouldn't be surprised if I learned that he kept a strict expression, so he wouldn't have to fake a smile... He's had time to recover, but no amount of time could ever be enough. I don't think he is, but even so, I hope Hotch is okay.

Questions sound so simple until you try to answer them, and progressing seems so simple until you have to take a step forward and leave the ground behind you with no one to watch over it.

And it's just as hard leaving memories behind as it is becoming someone's memory.

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