"Common get off." You light slap his chest multiple times.

He got off, not without getting one last peck and he walks to the door and before he left says, "Thanks for the talk... I feel better now."

"Reiner get out". You laugh as you grab one of the pillows from the couch and throw  it at him.

The door shut and you get up to walk to your room and plop on the bed recalling the whole event. Your thighs rubbed together trying to calm yourself down. It wouldn't be your first time having sex, the last time being right after Capturing Fort Slava but, it has been a minute since someone has made you feel like this by just a small make out session.

Once your head was not clouded by dirty thoughts, you finally fell asleep. 


"Y/n! Wake up!" Kenji jumps on your bed waking you up.

"Kenji, go away." you took the covers and pull them over your head.

"But the festival." He says with a little less enthusiasm. "I was going to buy you something."

"Kenji, I am not going to stay in bed all day ok?. How about you head down there and find Zofia. I will meet you there in a little bit. The festival doesn't close down until late today." Your muffled voice came up from under the covers.

"Alright." He perks back up and walk out of your room and shut the door. Not soon after, you hear the front door to the apartment close.

You sigh at the sound of peace and quiet and fall back asleep.

Not to soon after you wake up to a knock on your front door.

"IT'S OPEN" you shout from up under the covers.

Just don't kill me.

"Y/n?" a male voice came from outside your bedroom door

"Name and business"

The man sighs before he spoke,

"Porco Galliard, uhhhh..... here to drag a lazy ass girl out of bed and down to the festival..... Common y/n, the kids don't want to start without you."

You swing the door open and yawn as you walk past Porco towards the bathroom to get ready.

"Stop." Galliard commands.

"What is the problem now Pock." you stop, but do not turn around. Instead you lean your  head back staring at the roof, waiting for a smart remark.

"Who is it?"

"Huh?" you say, still staring at the ceiling.

Footsteps come up behind you and you feel a pair of cold fingers touch the skin right underneath your  collarbone.

He pushes you  into the bathroom and turns your head to look at yourself in the mirror. What you did not expect to see was spots of red and purple hickeys trailing down your neck.

You stare wide eyed not knowing what to say even though your brain was on high power mode.

Oh no. Why didn't I tell him not to leave marks!!! Common y/n, you're suppose to be smart. Now look at you, standing in front of a mirror littered in spots like a damn
Dalmatian..... Porco do not look at me like that.

He stood behind you to the side, studying your expression. His lips were lined straight and eyes showing  only two emotions. Anger and Defeat. He sighs and lowered his head before he spoke.

Truth be Told  [Reiner x reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon