Chapter 8: Planning

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    Dream's phone rang. Who was it?

Wilbur Soot.

Dream picked up the phone and answered, "What's up Wilbur?"

"Hello Dream, I was going to just message you on discord but this is far too important so I decided to call instead." Wilbur explained.

"Alright, what's this about? Did something happen?" Dream got worried for a moment.

"Something sure did happen. Something absolutely incredible. You will not believe this." Wilbur's tone was high with excitement.
"We're getting hosted by a massive hotel in London. I've recieved an email from the hotel and it said that a group of large content creators are being invited to stay at the hotel for a week as celebration for their opening."

"What? You're joking right?" Dream gasped. "Do you know who's going?"

"Check your business email. It's even got a list of people invited and their given room number as well as pictures of the hotel. It's incredible!" Wilbur said.

"You're kidding. This is just a prank." Dream said, flabberghasted.

"Go check your email right now." Wilbur demanded.

Dream basically flew out of his bed and to his office to turn on his pc. He pulled up his business email and checked through them until he found the one Wilbur told him about.
He read through it twice, not even certain what he was reading was real.
"Wilbur, this is absolutely insane."

"I know!" Wilbur chortled.

Dream stared at his computer screen, he stared at the list of invited people.

It read; WilburSoot, Dreamwastaken, MrBeast, Tommyinnit, PewDiePie, Ninja, Philza, and the list went on. Finally, at the very end.. Was George.
Dream checked his room number. Room 26.

"This is insane. I think I'm going to go do some stuff. Thank you for calling me Wilbur."

"Of course, I'll see you in two weeks." Wilbur said then hung up.

Two weeks.. Two weeks until he could meet his friends in person. He could meet George.
The way the rooms were set up, each floor consisted of who might want to be near eachother. For example, they would put Dream near his friends.

Dream looked through the photos, it was a luxurious, high class hotel. It even had 4 pools each with their own hot tub and sauna. It also included a hidden pool room.
This place was incredible.

Dream couldn't wait to meet George.

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