Chapter 10: The Truth

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Dream jolted up into a sitting position, gasping violently for air before realizing he could breathe again. He gripped the sheets of his bed with his hands tightly, still traumatized from what happened.
Dream paused at the sound of his phone ringing on his side table.
Who was calling him?
Dream let a hand wander over to where his phone was ringing, bringing his phone to him.
He checked the contact and..


What could George want right now?
George should be sleeping a little bit longer since he had altered his sleep schedule to talk to dream as long as he was able to be online.
Dream answered the phone, "George?" His voice was deep and sleepy since he just woke up.

"Hey Dream, did you just wake up?" George inquired. Dream could tell by his voice that he was worrying about something.

"Yeah, what about it?" Dream said then yawned, he stretched his arms and torso.

"Hey this is going to sound weird but, have you been having strange dreams?" George asked nervously.

"What do you mean by weird?" Dream tried to sound as clueless as possible.

"You would know if you had them." George said, he sounded less anxious now.

"I have been having the same dream every night for the past week. I always woke up in my car in a clearing surrounded by some endless field of flowers." Dream said. He heard a small gasp from George's end.

"So, what happened after that?" George's voice quivered slightly.

"Well, either some nightmarish thing chased me and then I fell into an ocean and drowned or you came and we talked." Dream responded, carefully choosing his words.

"That's all? We just talked?" George seemed very pressed about the matter.

"Well.. We did kiss a couple times." Dream laughed nervously, "And this time it was even more bizarre. You started calling me part of your dream and then you ran away. After that I fell into the ocean and drowned again."

George fell completely silent.


"That was me. That was MY dream." George's voice cracked with fear.

"You mean to tell me that we had the same dream together?" Dream could feel his face turning red hot. He told George that he loved him.. And now George knows.

George hung up without a single word.

Dream could feel his chest seize with frustration, embarassment and so many more emotions. What was all of this for? To torment him?
George surely hates him now..

Dream layed back down in his bed and stared at his ceiling.

Even if George had also thought it was just a regular dream, why did he act the way he did? He was so forward to Dream..

Dream balled his hands into fists of frustration. He couldn't understand all of this. This was too much to comprehend.

What was George thinking?

George's POV;

George sat back against his wall on his bed, What the actual hell?
There is no possible way that him and Dream's dreams were connected.
But on the odd chance they were..
George burned up with embarassment. He kissed Dream.. Not even once, he did it multiple times..
He-.. He sat on Dream's lap..

George curled up in a ball, holding his knees to his chest. His face was red and hot.
He couldn't stop thinking about it. It was driving him insane.
There was no way he could talk to Dream after this.. Dream probably hates him now.. George's mind was flooded with every worst scenario he could think of.

He couldn't talk to Dream anymore. He couldn't face him. How was he supposed to? George was sure he had completely ruined everything.
His inner thoughts were destroying him mentally. He was beating himself up about what happened.

Is this it between George and Dream?

Are they done?


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