Summer jobs // chapter 1

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━ ❝Euphoria❞

/juːˈfɔːrɪə/noun a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness.

I'd say this is a word that accurately describes the way I felt when I first met her. My best friend Sam had forced me to get a summer job as a life guard with him at the beach. Overall it was actually pretty fun, we got to spend a lot of time at the beach wearing those cool swimsuits and after our shifts we would just go eat something at town.

"Anaaaa, it's 2:30". he said exited.

"YESSSSS, lets go eat something cold the heat is KILLING ME". I cheered exhausted.

"Fine, but I'll choose, because if we go to that slushie place one more time I'll never eat one again in my life".

"Fine by me, but please hurry up before I pass out"


I had just got a summer job at an ice cream shop about a week ago and I'm not gonna lie, it was really boring, but at least I got to eat a lot of strawberry ice cream wich is my favourite. I was just serving some ice cream to a man and his son when... I saw her walk in.

She was gorgeous, everything about her.

As she got closer to me while laughing about something her friend probably told her I was able to apreciate all the little details.

The way her brown hair perfectly floated when the wind passed it, the way her eyes loked a lighter shade of green than before when the light hit them, and the most beautiful of it all, her smile, thAT , made me feel full inside, it felt like everything I never knew I needed.

And just when I thought she couldn't posibly get more perfect I noticed she was wearing a reputation shirt.

I just stood there looking at her with a tiny smile on my face when she finally looked at me.

Thankfuly I dont think she noticed for how long I stared at her, or at least she didn't mind.

"Can we get two cones please" the guy said.

"Sure, what flavour?" I said staring at her hoping she talked so I could finally hear her voice.

"I'll have chocolate" he asked.

"Weirdo" she made wispered to her frind making fun of him so quietly I barely heard her. "Umm, I think I'll have an oreo please" she said a little shy, and her voice sounded angelic.

While making the ice creams I decided I would build up the courage to ask her out, or at least talk to her.

"its gonna be €8.50, I like your shirt by the way, Taylor's my favorite" I said.


"No way, she's my fav too" I said excited with a huge smile on my face because this girl was getting better by the second.

"What's your name" she asked.

"Ana, yours?".

''Olivia" she said, this was probably the cutest name I had ever heard.

"Well, thanks for the ice cream olivia" I said and then payed.

"You're welcome see you around" she told me as I exited the shop.

"Did you like the girl?" Sam asked me with a smirk on his face. He was bi and he knew exactly what my type was.

"Well, maybe I did, what about it?" I admitted "Aren't you too busy simping for Anthony to even talk to me".

"Haha, very funny" he said sarcastically "but you should seriously ask her out sometime"

"Sammy, you're so dumb, haven't you noticed that I have way too much social anxiety to even go into that place ever again?".

"Well, do whatever you want, but you better not call me crying at three am telling me I should have made you go inside and ask for her number".

"I won't" I responded knowing deep down that if he hadn't said anything, I probably would have called him crying and blaming him for everything in the middle of the night.


"Oh shut up and start eating your ice cream before it melts mr dating advice".

"Its not DaTinG aDViCe, I just want you to be happy and I know how desperately you want a girlfriend" I rolled my eyes at what he just said.

"Thanks for caring, but I am happy, and I dont know where you got that idea that I desperately want a girlfriend.

"Oh, you just haven't realized it yet but I personally think you should go out with someone sometime, you know, after alice it just might be time to move on and find someone new, and that girl seemed nice".

"Fine, but as I just said that there's no way I'm going back inside there" he rolled his eyes when he heard the last part "BUT, if I ever see her again, which I personally dont think I will, I promise I'll ask for her number". I could see the smile on his face after I said that.

"Great then, but you better keep your promise". He said and I could tell he was up to something.

A/N: Hiiiii, this is the first chapter and I hope you liked it, I'm also really excited because sour is coming out tomorrow.

Anyways let me know what you think<3.

word count: 882

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