Chapter 4 Crossroads

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Dad and I are at home chilling on our only day off and a knock is heard from the door, "I'll get it!"I call and get out of my room and walk through the living room to the front door and I open it to see two units with rifles"H-hi" I say "Are you, Detective Y/n Anderson?"Unit 28 asks "Yes why?"I ask "We have been authorized to take you in"Unit 28 says I start getting scared "Why?!"I ask "President Warren has changed the law regarding you"Unit 65 says "B-but I am human you can't do that, you can't kill me!"I say tears filling my eyes "What the hell is happening here?"Dad asks coming to my side I hug him crying "I don't wanna die!"I say "What is she talking about?"Dad asks "We have been authorized to take her into CyberLife for deactivation, "Unit 28 says "What the hell is wrong with you people, she is human it would be inhumane and insane to kill her!"Dad says.

Unit 65 looks at my bare feet "Put on shoes and come with us"Unit 65 says I run to my room and quickly write a note to dad and pack a bag and open my window and jump out and I run as fast as I can through the snow and away from the house until I am about to get hit by a car but it stops and the door opens and a dark-skinned woman jumps out "Oh my god are you, okay dear?"She asks and a big android jumps out "Are you, okay sweetie?"The woman asks again "Y-yes"I say getting flashbacks from the truck, "My name is Rose you should come with us I'm taking the rest to Jericho" Rose says my 'gut' decides to trust her "Okay"I say and I get into the car where the AX400 from the highway chase is "I'm sorry I didn't mean to put you and the little one in danger"I say "No it's fine, I'm Kara and this is Alice"Kara says "And I'm Luther"Luther says.

And the car starts driving "Hi Alice, I'm Y/n nice to formally meet you"I say smiling "So what are you running from to almost gett hit by a car?"Luther asks "The FBI, and probably Connor which feels weird since we literally worked together yesterday,"I say "You're Y/n Anderson aren't you?"Rose asks "Yes I am"I say and look out the window to see an android getting slathered "They've been conducting raids all over the city... Everybody is on edge after what happened yesterday... It's gonna be all right. We're almost there"Rose says, and Kara turn on the news "The android Y/n Anderson is now illegal in all the states of America like all other deviants it will be shut down, with all androids being turned over to the authorities, the country is grinding to a halt. Hospitals and schools are closing. Water cuts, blackouts, and network failures are expected. Maybe most worrying of all, our armed forces have lost two-thirds of their effective personnel-"Rose switches to music "How about some music instead?"Rose says.

My phone calls I look at the caller and it's Gavin I answer and start to count to 119 "Hi?"I answer "Y/n are you okay?"Gavin asks "Why do you care?"I ask "Look I might b an asshole but you and I did go to police school together"Gavin says "What's your point?"I ask "I want you to come to the station"Gavin says "Oh hell no I know you too well.."I say and hang up and the car parks, and we get out "A little further on that way, there's a large freighter called Jericho. When you get there, find Markus. He will help you. The last bus for the border leaves at midnight. You three absolutely have to be on it. You'll be safer on the other side"Rose says and hands Kara some money and is about to give me "No I don't need it"I say "Okay...It's not much, but it's a start. My brother lives in Ontario, I've given you his address... He'll be able to hide you until things calm down. You're a very brave little girl, Alice. You deserve to be happy"Rose says.

"Thank you for everything, Rose"Kara says "Let me know when you make it over there, all right? And be careful"Rose says.


New mission: Find RK607 #313 248 217-1 and neutralize or capture it

"Fuck"I say and keep looking for the clues that will get me to Jericho

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