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It was a normal day in the Cybertronian city of Tarn, miners working, Autobot guards patrolling and hundreds of thousands of bots walking to a large round building, with red banners at its grand entrance, numerous seats inside and a large area in the center of it all, with nothing but broken weapons, servos, and luminescent pink stains all over the sand. The bots would all sit in their seats, awaiting another "glorious" battle, but to others...specifically the bots was anything but glorious. Under all the shining lights and cheering crowds was a very crowded room, filled with bots of different shapes and sizes. All only having one thing in common; no Autobot insignia, just an inverted black triangle on their chassis. They were fighters, different from other Cybertronians, as they were quite literally, made to fight each other to the death. They were illiterate, spoke only in grunts, yells and shoves. All of them knew nothing but anger towards each other. After all, why make friends if you might have to kill them in the next cycle? One mech, however, stood out from the rest. A grey triple changer, with purple accents and a purple face. His optics were red with a monocle on his right one, with a cold and unfeeling expression. His frame had swirls and circles of some sort of tribal paint, and he was the only bot with such a quality. He was sitting in a corner...reading a book, titled "Towards Peace". In fact, this particular mech was the only one in the room who could read, write and speak. But being the only one with such intellectual capability meant that he didn't speak much, not even to the passing guards. This mech, was one of the few fighters who had gained a name through the praise of his fans. And that name was...Blitzwing. A fighter like no other in Tarn, on his way to become the Champion of the arena, hence the tribal paint. Who would get nothing but the best treatment and room in the arena, comfortable, without being crammed with other bots. For him, anything is better than being with bots whom he couldn't speak to. Blitzwing suddenly heard a horn, the sign that a battle has begun. He stood up and moved a block from the wall away, so he could see the floor of the arena. He could see two pairs of mech stabilizers, one green, the other a dark purple. He watched as the two lunged at each other, punching and kicking with no fighting experience. He sighed and chuckled, it was painfully obvious to Blitzwing. These bots were forged not too long ago. They could barely stand correctly from how new they were. Bliztwing watched their struggle, until the purple mech, with his razor sharp claws, grabbed his opponent's chassis, and pulled out his spark chamber, a glowing orb of blue light, that faded away as the green mech turned dark grey and pink luminescent energon spilled all over the floor. The crowd went wild, cheering at the rookie's victory, demanding he battled again. But the guards quickly took him away, as Blitwing covered up the wall and chuckled. He sat down again, opened his book and spoke softly in his peculiar German accent:

Blitzwing: Velcome to hell.

The doors of the crowded room opened, and the purple mech from earlier was shoved in by the guards. He was tall, but muscular. With three claws on each servo, appearing to have a tank alternate mode, a single red optic within a black void of a face and long pointed antlers. The mech was terrified at what he did, still stained with energon as he was shoved and growled at by the other bots. He eventually made it to Blitzwing's corner, curling up into a ball and beginning to whimper. Blitzwing closed his book at the sight and hid it in his chassis, sighing.

Blitzwing: If jou vant to be killed, that behavior vill do ze job. - The scared mech raised his helm to look at him, with tears in his optic. He tilted his helm, scooting a little bit closer to Blitzwing. - Vat? Vat are jou looking at? - The mech didn't respond, only stared curiously. He moved his antlers forward in curiosity, a soft purr rumbling from the mech. Blitzwing sighed again, rubbing his temples. - Of course. Newcomers. Always curious. Listen, if jou vant to survive another cycle here, jou need to be tough. This iz jour life now. Jou fight one of the bots here and kill them. That'z the only way jou will survive here. Do zat, and jou will eventually get used to all....this. - He gestured the general area then gently shoved the mech away. - It's meal time. Go on, before they steal jour food. - Blitzwing then stood up, forcefully shoved the group of bots out of his way and received a few cubes of energon, which had been tossed from above by one of the guards. He then returned to his corner, the purple mech watching him as the other bots shoved each other and growled to get energon. The cubes were counted; each bot got the same amount of food, but the bigger bots, needing more to sustain themselves, would fight and steal the smaller bots' food.

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