🔮 Crystals 🔮

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I first started collecting crystals when I was probably around six years old, but I just thought they were cool, shiny rocks.
These are the ones I use the most and what they can be used for:

Charges/clears other crystals
Enhances mental clarity
Increases awareness of surroundings

Brings order
Refreshes chakras
Sustains well-being

Clear quartz:
Amplifies energy and thoughts
Master healer

Brings peace and sustainability
Invites order into  spaces

Rose quartz:
Radiates self love
Eases communication in all relationships

Clears blocked energy
Brings personal power
Attracts abundance

Black obsidian:
Provides  grounded, stable energy
Releases heavy emotions

Charging Crystals
These are some of the ways to charge crystals:
Full moon
Your own energy
running water
Candle light
Singing bowls
Rain water

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