Chapter 8

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It had been two weeks since Brainy had been rescued from Leviathan's ship. He had been released from the hospital a day ago and Nia had taken him to her apartment. No one had questioned her decision after seeing the way Brainy held onto her after they left.

Alex had figured Nia would be able to get Brainy to relax now that he was safe. Out of all of them, she had the best chance of being successful.

But the next time she had seen them, Brainy was still tightly holding on to Nia. Nia had walked away for a moment to greet Alex, and she had seen the panic on his face for a split second. It didn't go away until Nia came back to him.

Nia had noticed the increase in Brainy's need for physical contact. She wasn't going to do anything about it at first. He had been through a terrible ordeal, and she was going to do everything in her power to make him feel better.

Three days after leaving Catco, Nia returned to Catco. She had taken several days off to take care of him and had visited the hospital a lot, so she was quite behind on her work.

He had taken the news of her going back fine, saying he didn't want to get in the way of her job. Nia had reassured him that he wasn't getting in the way, but the truth was, she really needed to get back or Andrea would most likely fire her.

Supergirl and the rest of the team still couldn't find Lex or Lillian Luthor. Lena was at the Tower almost every waking hour trying to track them, but so far had found nothing.

Nia arrived at Catco at eight and immediately got to work. There had been a stack of files left on her desk. Kara had been trying to do some of her work using her super-speed, something Nia was very grateful for.

She worked with relatively no interruptions for about two hours. She looked at what she had left to do. Most of it could wait, so she opened another window on her computer.

She used her Catco database to research Lex Luthor. Maybe there was something on this earth that had been covered by Catco that would help her find him.

Most of the information she found was about awards he had won, accomplishments, and Nia resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

She continued to scroll through the information when there was a commotion by the elevator.

Someone was being escorted away from the desks by armed security guards. Nia leaned in her chair to get a better look at the intruder, and was shocked by what she saw.

It was Brainy.

Nia raced over to the guards and asked "What are you doing? He's not a threat!"

"Since the failed launch of Obsidian Platinum, Ms. Rojas decided to tighten security here. This man is not a faculty member and needs to be removed from the premises," replied the guard.

Brainy had been struggling against the two men, but when Nia approached, he stopped for the most part.

"I think there's been a mistake," said Nia calmly. "He's my boyfriend, and I can take it from here."

"I'm sorry, but I have to follow protocol," replied the other guard.

Nia sighed. She hoped Brainy had a good reason for showing up.

"All right," she conceded. "I'll be accompanying you out, though."

The guards didn't bother arguing with her, and they rode the elevator downstairs in silence. Brainy was escorted out of the building and into the bright sunlight outside. Nia followed and waited until the guards had gone back inside.

"What are you doing here? Is something wrong?" asked Nia urgently. Kara had been at Catco all day with her and Nia hadn't heard from the Tower at all.

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