Chapter 4: Bonnie's song for Squishy

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No-ones pov

With The gang back together they now focus on getting to Lysandre Bonnie explained what happened and after the league things went back very fast.

Suddenly there was a loud pain filled roar echoing through the city and Bonnie shivered. Looking down at Squishy she whispered "mommy's in pain" Squishy gurgled an agreement as he turned into his 50% form.

As he moved another Zygarde appeared with a fiery red aura around it.

You roared and screeched in pain as you charged at Squishy and head butted each other and roared. Bonnie held her head in pain as Squishy was suddenly struck by a red light. As the light died down a red and black Squishy stood in its place.

Both Zygarde's went in different directions as Bonnie screamed "NO! MOMMY SQUISHY!" As Clement held his little sister tight.


Bonnie runs down the destroyed city as she follows Squishy seeing the legendary Pokemon she halts and screamed "SQUISHY!" Said Pokemon turned and growled at the girl. She stood tall as the your large figure approached her with tears flowing she collapsed to the ground. "Squishy don't you remember me?"

Mega Blaziken jumped in front of her protecting the girl as Dedenne did the same. "Squishy Squishy your oh so very soft" Squishy froze as Bonnie sang the song she made for him.

But soon he prepared to fire a dragon pulse and fired.

When the song ended he fired his dragon pulse and he missed as his body return back to green and black. Bonnie opened her eyes and cried tears of joy as she run to Zygarde saying "Squishy you remembered me!"

As said Pokemon nuzzled her. Suddenly There was a loud roar and a thud behind them Bonnie turned and gasped as she saw her mothers pain filled body.

Bonnie ran in front of you and said "mommy fight it please!" You froze and shook in pain while roared and soon a light enveloped you and there laid you in your core form.

And soon your voice spoke weakly "thank you my little Bon Bon thank you".

Both cores a now free but the real battle has only begun......

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