[The day menma was born] Chapter 03

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*9 months later*

Kuruma pov:

I was in the kitchen cooking lunch for me and my brother and while Naruto is in the living room.

I heard my little brother scream without thinking I ran fast to the living room "What happened?!" "I think my water Broke" Naruto said

I was panicking "Right now?! Like right RIGHT now?!" I was panicking much than my brother I ran to my bedroom and took the keys "Naruto calm down We're going to the hospital" I said calmly

"You littery the one panicking than me Nii-san" My little brother said
"Shush! Let me carry you you're about to give birth let's go to the hospital fast!!" We got in the car and ready to go

>Time skip<

Third person pov:

"Get the doctor quick!!" One of the nurses said,The doctor was surprised to see a pregnant man in the first time "H-how is it possible?" The doctor said

"Don't stand there!! Help my brother damnit!"Kuruma shouted

Someone slam the entrance door of the hospital wide open "Where's Naruto?!" They turned around and see a Woman with blond hair walking towards to the room

Kuruma and the other doctors and nurses was surprised to see the famous Doctor,Dr.Tsunde

"Kuruma where's Naruto?!" Kuruma was startled "What are you doing here are you supposed to be in Japan Old hag?" Kuruma said "Rude as always" Tsunde said

"What room of  Naruto Namikaze is in?" The blonde haired woman said

"In the operating room on the left"the nurse said

>At the operating room<

"We need to do C-section—" They heard door being slam open "What the—" dr.kabuto was surprised to see Tsunde "Move kabuto I'll talk to Tsunde" A pale man said "Hmm long time no see Dr.Tsunde how may I help you?" The paled man asked "Let me help you Orichimaru" "Oh okay the faster the sooner."

>Time skip<

Naruto's pov:

I heard a crying baby I slowly open my eyes "Congratulations,You have a baby boy"Dr.Orichimaru said while handing my little baby He has raven almost black hair and pale skin like his bastard father,and Blue eyes and Whiskers like mine

"So what are you going to name him Brat?" I turned my head and see Baa-chan my eyes went wide

"Are you supposed to be in Japan?"I ask "I heard what happened and I don't want to miss to see This" Tsunde said while drinking a wine "I'll leave you three alone" Dr. Orichimaru said while closing the door.

After The paled man closed the door I heard running towards it 'Did he Forgot something?' I asked my self

Out of no where my older brother burst in "Where's the baby?!I want to see it!"Kuruma said excitedly "Shh brat the baby is sleeping and Naruto is still tired so you better shut your mouth of yours" The blonde haired woman said

"Oh shut it old hag" Kuruma glared at Tsunde "Anyways Back to I was saying" My brother said I chuckled how my brother getting excited to see my baby "He's here" I said while showing my cute adorable baby

Kuruma Stared at him with excitement and adoration"What's his name?"Kuruma said I Chuckled "He's name is Menma" "Well that's a nice name Little brother" they said at the same time.

>Awhile later<
(Sorry about the time skips)

"Ha! I told you my brother having a boy now pay up Old hag!" "Oh shut it I'll give later"

"Did you two seriously made a bet?" I glared at them They were sweating "Gomen Brat/Little brother" they said the same time

I shrugged it off and I saw my little angel awaking up "Hello there little one" I said

"Welp I have to go now Better take care of my Brat and Menma,Kuruma"Tsunde said while walking out of the room

"I will!!!" Kuruma said "So Naruto when are you going to reaveal Little menma to Uchiha?" My brother said 'Oh shoot I almost Forgot about Sasuke'

I took deep breath and said "I have no planning to reaveal him to his Bastard father" I said coldly

"You know you can't hide him forever sooner or later he's going to find out do you know that?" Kuruma said while raising one of his red eye brows

'He's right I can't hide him forever and What would happen if he takes him away from me?I don't want that' I said to myself

"Umm hello??? Earth to Naruto?" Kuruma said I snapped open my eyes "Well yeah you're right Nii-san but not right now"

"whatever you say Little brother,ready to go home?"My brother asked

"Yeah" I said

[And this where the adventure begins]

Menma [Sasunaru]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant