l: New Chances

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「Kumagawa Speech Patterns」
*A Young Lady with Blue Hair, Red Eye's and a fancy School Uniform quickly sat up with a slight panicking/startled expression, she gasps a bit, before trying to calm her breathing and tried to think straight, after a moment or so, she took a deep breath and sighs softly*

"... Where am I?"
*She then took a moment to check out the room she was in, and used her analytical to figure out the problem/situation she was in, not to mention on how she also got here, she rubs her chin and closed her eyes, thinking deeply*

"Becoming student president... Helping people... Gaining new allies... Making new enemies... Defeating enemies... Befriending enemies... Destroying data... Leaving... Kumagawa... Kumagawa? KUMAGAWA!"
*She took a moment to realised that she was supposed fighting her arch nemesis for the position of Student Council, she about to stand up and get ready to take some action, but before she could, she stopped when she heard something*

"「I heard you the first time」"
*The moment she heard this, she looked to see a young child, maybe around 4 or 5, had white hair and clothing, and had innocent yet dark Blue Eyes*

"「No need to say my name two more times」"
*He huffs as he held onto his stuff creepy bunny toy, nuzzling it like it was his only friend*

*She was in extreme disbelief, she couldn't help but not accept that this was once her greatest rival and enemy*

"「Three more times」"
*The one known as Kumagawa just rolled his eyes and thinks about taking a nap*

"I-I'm sorry, but what happened to you?"
*She decided to calm herself down and start to carefully analyze what was actually happened before her*

"「An odd question coming from a stranger I barely know」"
*Once Kumagawa said this, she couldn't help but go wide eyes*

"Y-You don't remember?"
*She started to worry about a certain possibility that shouldn't be possible*

"「No, I don't remember, unless you're my doctor who's suppose to check on my health, or whatever」"
*The more Kumagawa spoke, the more certain answers and questions enter her mind*

"The doctor?..."
*She started to peice some puzzles together, as she remembers meeting him at the hospital, and start to conclude that what he meant*

"「Yes, the doctor, like I said, although, seeing that we're not in a hospital, I guess your not that」"
*She had to admit that Kumagawa was no fool, and was impressed how he was smart enough to figure out his situation somewhat*

"「I wonder if my parent's abandoned me here then with you, that would make the most logical sense」"
*Though what Kumagawa said next through her off, clearly wasn't expecting him to say that*

"W-Why Would You Think That?!"
*She clearly hated when someone talk down about themselves and think their family hated them, no matter who it was, friend or foe*

"「Well, everyone seems to hate me, and they prefer to not to have anything to do with me, which I fine funny, cause I've been told a child's life is suppose to be filled with 'Love And Happiness'」"
*Kumagawa then suddenly wore a very hollow and emotionless expression, which startled her*

"What a huge lie..."
*But after Kumagawa said this, he put in his happy and cheerful fake smile, as he then look up to the Strange Lady with sudden interests*

"「But anyway, yeah I'm most likely a child that has been thrown aside by their child, and stuck with a stranger who seems to know my name, by the way, why do you know my name?」"
*Once Kumagawa asked this, the Blue Hair Beauty took a moment to think about her new situation, and what she can gathered, she was stuck in a unknown area with a Rival who not only de-aged, but could only remember the time they first met, meaning he doesn't know her not is he aware what he did in his older life time, there was so many unknowns and questions left unanswered, especially with being somewhere else with someone who she thought was a enemy, but was just a child, there was so so so many uncertainty... But there was something she did know, and that was 'REFORM', 'CHANGE', & 'GIVE PEOPLE SECOND CHANCES'*

"Because Kumagawa-Kun, I Am Your Knew Mother That Will Raise You And Become A More Happier Child!~"
I don't have a world in mind that I want to use, any ideas, It has to do something involving hero stuff, like One Punch Man, but does it sound fitting enough, I don't know~
(Please explain your reasons, PLEASE twank u wuv u~)

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