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Third Person POV:

(In The Living Room, 10 pm)

The group was all in the living room playing board games, listening to music on the speakers, and talking about their life plans after this vacation. It was a pretty chill night, and everyone was trying their best to forget about the chaotic weekend that they just experienced.

Chloe, Sabrina, Alya, Marinette, Luka, and Nino were playing Monopoly on the coffee table.

Ivan, Kim, Adrien, and Alix were chatting it up about their futures and colleges.

And Juleka, Rose, and Mylene were playing uno on the kitchen island.

"Wow Nino.. you must be so sad... sitting in jail for the past 10 minutes.." Alya taunted, rolling the dice.

Nino made a face at her and sat with his arms crossed.

"It's okay babe, you'll get out soon... hopefully." She continued, laughing at how mad Nino was getting.

"I hate playing games with Alya, she's so rude.." Nino huffed, pulling out his phone to pass the time.

"So Adrien, are you gonna move out of your Dad's mansion and move onto college campus?" Kim asked taking a sip of his beer.

"Yeah, probably. I can't stand his rules and restrictions. It's been 4 fucking years and we still barely talk." Adrien uttered

"Have you decided which University you wanna go to?" Alix added as she got up to get a drink.

Adrien was accepted into every college that he applied for. He applied for Ecole Polytechnique, International Fashion Academy (IFA Paris), Sorbonne University, and some others that he chose as back up plans.

"I haven't really decided yet, but I'm leaning towards Ecole Polytechnique." Adrien replied.

Marinette overheard their conversation and tried listening in.

When she found out that Adrien was applying to IFA, that was immediately the first university that she applied for as well.

When she first heard about it though, she realized that Adrien himself probably didn't choose to apply there. Most likely, Gabriel forced him to. Marinette knows that Adrien doesn't want to follow in the footsteps of his father.

Marinette was also accepted into every university that she applied for.

She applied for IFA Paris, Paris College of Art, Sorbonne University, and Mod'Art International. Most of the universities were for fashion and designing. Marinette knew she had a bright future down that road. Yet, She still hasn't decided where she wants to go.

"Well whatever you choose, just know you'll still be out partying with us." Kim cheered, crushing his beer can and throwing it into the garbage.

About two hours have passed by and everyone was starting to get pretty bored. Alya broke the awkward silence and announced an idea to the group.

"Guys, how about we head down to the beach and start a bonfire." She suggested with a wide smile on her face.

Everyone agreed and got up to grab their things to go.

Soon, the group was heading down to the beach with some firewood, food and drinks, towels, and a speaker. They had a pretty chill night ahead of them..


Nino and Kim started to work on the fire while Juleka, Rose, Mylene, and Sabrina placed down beach towels.

Alix started to play music on the speaker and Alya began to make some of her famous jungle juice.

The juice consisted of vodka, rum, lemonade, fruit punch, cranberry juice, orange juice, club soda, fresh strawberries, and fresh oranges.

It was everyone's favorite ever since she made it at Nino's birthday party.

She started to pour everyone a cup.

The group sang songs, Luka played the guitar, Alix and Kim had a back-flip contest..

Everyone was having a great time. They weren't even thinking about the incident at the club.

(Now 2 am, still on the beach, some people drunker than others.. lmfao)

Alya was laying in Nino's lap while he played with her hair.

Juleka and Rose were cuddled up in a big beach blanket swaying to the rhythm of the music.

Marinette was resting her head on Adrien's shoulder while he swiped through Instagram.

Mylene and Ivan disappeared somewhere down the beach ( ... get it ig)

Luka was playing soft music on his guitar.

Alix started to roll the group's 5th blunt, while Kim was still trying to hit the 4th (which was basically a roach..)

And Chloe and Sabrina were sharing a blanket while staring into the fire's dimming flames.

"I'm going to go grab my portable charger, my phone's about to die." Adrien said getting up to run back to the house.

Marinette sat up and started to get cold. She forgot her sweatshirt in her room. She looked to see if Adrien was still on the beach so that he could grab it for her, but he was too far.

Luka looked over to Marinette and saw her shivering.

"Here Mari.." Luka mumbled softly, placing his jacket on Marinette's shoulders.

He took a seat next to Marinette, Adrien's original spot, and continued playing the guitar.

Marinette fully put on his jacket and closed her eyes to listen to the music.

A few minutes later, Adrien had come back from the house. He saw that Luka was in his spot next to Marinette, and he started to get that feeling again..

He walked over to Luka and looked down on him.

"Hey man, I think you're sitting on my towel." Adrien uttered, trying his best to sound polite.

"Oh.. my bad Agreste." Luka replied, taking the towel out from under him and handing it back.

Adrien's face started to get warm...

and it wasn't from the fire.

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