Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 (A few days later)

I woke up the next morning and dressed in my usually black attire once again. I applied clear lip-gloss and smoke eye shadow and jet black eyeliner. I then left my hair down not really bothering and went downstairs wearing my stilettos. It'd been a long time since I'd worn heels but I still knew how to walk in them. I was glad mum wasn't here yet, the more I avoided her, and the less I'd say something I regret. I hated treating my mother like this, she didn't deserve it. But I had to because if I let her in and she left, I knew I wouldn't be able to handle it. It was safer to not let her in. I went to the kitchen to grab a croissant; it was healthier to eat. "Oh, Selena up so early?" mum asked surprised. For the past few days I'd decided to go to school late to keep up with my whole 'badass-don't-mess-with-me' appearance and therefore woke up late. But then I'd realized, I didn't have to ruin my education in the process. I simply nodded and went back to pouring some milk in a cup, glad for the distraction. The tension was thick in the air and I knew mum was only trying to lighten things up.

As I was walking to school someone came up behind me. "Woah, you scared the hell outta me!" I gasped, placing a hand on my heart which was beating way too fast. Abigail grinned and started walking beside me. After a few minutes of awkward silence she finally sighed and began speaking. "Soo, what's up with the whole 'I'm-not-the-same-Selena-cuz-Im-a-badass-now-so-don't-mess-with-me' look?" she asked looking me in the eye. I shrugged. Abigail sighed and finally dropped the subject, which I was ever so grateful for. One of the things I loved about Abigail was that she knew when to push it and when to not. She never forced me or interfered in my personal space, she knew when I needed some space. For the past few days I'd been trying to avoid her and she'd noticed. So after a while she understood the message and stopped trying to find me. But now, she was back again. We walked through the black gates of Connors High School; into the large crowd of teenagers all heading to class. I was just about to do the same when Abigail stopped me and turned me around to face her. "What?!" I asked her, annoyed. She rolled her eyes and looked me in the eyes before answering "Look, I know this is hard for you and that you're changing. But I want you to know that no matter what, I'll ALWAYS be here for you. If you need to talk or something I'm right here. I'm not gonna force you to do anything you don't want, I'll support you, ok?" Those words were so comforting and without realizing I broke down infront of my best friend, something I'd promised myself not to do.

At registration I spent my time doodling random stuff on a random notepad. Suddenly a shadow loomed over my note pad. It was Mr. Kanae. "Yes?" I asked him with one eyebrow raised. "Stay behind after registration" he whispered before going back to his desk. I looked to where Abigail was sitting and she shot me a 'what's-up-with-him?- look but I just shrugged and went back to doodling. After registration I stayed behind. Mr. Kanae waited for everyone to leave before speaking. "Look, Selena I know it's been hard for you these couple of days after your father past away but...." He began before I cut him off.

"But what sir? You gonna gimme the same lecture all the other teachers have given me about keeping my personal business out of school? Really sir? Cuz I thought you were different, I thought you believed in me. I thought you understood how hard it was." I started in a blank voice before letting out an emotionless laugh. "But I was proved wrong yet AGAIN" I finished before walking out the room.

I couldn't agree more with the quote 'everything is not what it seems'. The past few days my life had been turned upside down, everything I'd believed in was wrong. Everyone has their ways of handling things but mine. "With tomato sauce?" the lady behind the counter asked after she put some pasta on my plastic tray. I nodded and she poured some tomato sauce over the freshly cooked pasta. After collecting my lunch I walked over to where Abigail was sitting with Aaron. "When since were you two buddy buddy?" I asked sitting down. They both looked at each other and it seemed like they were speaking telepathically but then shrugged. I rolled my eyes and began eating. "So, Selena have any plans for the weekend?" Aaron asked after finishing a bite of his cheese sandwich. "No, why?" I asked. First, these two were hanging out and now Aaron was asking me if I had any plans. God, the world is really is turning upside down. "No reason" Aaron said but at the same time Abigail said "Actually" She glared at him before continuing "We were wondering if you would like to watch The Hunger Games with us this weekend"

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