Chapter Fifty-Five

Start from the beginning

"Hiya, (Y/n)!" she said much too cheerfully, "I'd like to introduce you to someone, this is Ms. Paige, she runs Group Home B, where you'll be staying, and she's actually going to drive you today, I have an emergency I need to take care of."

"Nice to meet you," you nod at Ms. Paige, who smiles warmly.

"It's nice to meet you too, (Y/n), are you ready? I have a schedule to keep," She doesn't like to waste time, you note as you nod. She turns and walks outside without another word, leaving you to follow. Newt puts the suitcases in the trunk of her car and gives you one more hug.

"Call me tonight, so I know how you're doing," he says into your ear, and you nod, doing your best to keep from crying. "I love you, (Y/n)."

"I love you, too, Newt," you give him one last kiss before getting into the car, unable to stop a few tears from escaping as you watch Newt disappear in the mirror.

"Chin up, you'll forget all about him soon enough," Ms. Paige says with certainty, and less warmth than she had earlier, and when you don't respond she says in a cold tone, "The proper response to authority is 'Yes ma'am,' Do you understand me?"

"Yes Ma'am," the last thing you want to do is piss of the person in charge of you right off the bat.

"That's better," She smiles, again a little too cheery, and you can't help but think you'll need to keep on your toes around her. The drive goes on for a while, and soon you're out of the city limits.

"Have we passed it? I thought it was back that way," You get nervous enough to ask, but you are not reassured by Ms. Paige's chuckle.

"Oh you must be thinking about our office address, we run multiple homes all over."

"So how far are we going?"

"Only another two hours or so," Ms. Paige says cheerfully, and the nonchalance makes you want to panic as you're going to be much further than you thought, and you got the impression that that information has been purposefully withheld from you. The rest of the drive passes in silence until you pull up to a dull gray box-shaped building.

"Follow me, the children will be in school right now, you'll get to join them at dinner, we have a couple things to take care of first," You follow Ms. Paige through the main door and down a flight of stairs to the basement. You're carrying all three of your bags so it takes you a second to hobble down the stairs without falling, and Ms. Paige is tapping her foot impatiently by the time you get down the stairs.

"Place your bags on the table," she says briskly, and you hesitate, "Now," her tone gets stern and you comply. She quickly starts rifling through them, making comments under her breath, though she makes no effort to keep you from actually hearing them.

"Must be a spoiled brat, this is the most stuff anyone's ever had," You bite your tongue to keep from saying anything. "No, no, this won't do," She begins to sort through your clothes and belongings, throwing most of them haphazardly into the biggest suitcase. Once she's done she hands you only the smallest bag, and it's barely half full.

"Everything in that bag you can have, and you can earn some of this back through good behavior, but plenty of it is against regulations and will be sold and the money will go to your food and upkeep, okay?"

"That's not fair, it's my-" She cuts you off.

"That attitude will get you nothing but trouble here, you are my ward now and you will obey or there will be consequence, understand?" Her voice is full of ice, and there is no room for argument, so you nod. "Oh and do you have a phone?" You shake your head immediately, glad the phone Newt had given you was zipped up in an inside pocket of your jacket.

"Hmm," Ms. Paige says, tapping her fingers thoughtfully, "Turn out your pockets." Your turn all your external pockets inside out, showing them to be empty, but she stands there unconvinced. "Take off your jacket," you slide out of quickly, dropping it with your phone still inside on top of your open bag, and try to hold in your sigh of relief when your new warden doesn't give it a second glance, still eyeing you suspiciously.

"Assume the position, that means spread your legs and arms out, dear, I need to make sure you're not lying to me." She pats you down thoroughly, and you feel more than a little uncomfortable before she finishes with a small grunt of displeasure. "Alright, time for the tour before dinner, this way," Ms. Paige snaps her fingers and walks briskly out the door, with you following her, bag in hand with the jacket safely inside as she takes you to the main area.

"These are the chore boards," she gestures to a wall of large whiteboards full of lists and numbers, "They're organized by sleeping arrangements, and you'll find your assignments and expected duties updated regularly here. It's your responsibility to keep track and on top of your assignments. I'll go over it more later, follow me." She walks briskly up a set of stairs, "You'll be in room three, we have five rooms all together, two girls and three for the boys. There are ten girls in each room, and the boys have fourteen each, their rooms are up those stairs there," she gestures across the room, to another staircase without pausing her ascent. You're taken to a room at the end of the hallway with 5 bunk beds, currently deserted, but every bed is immaculately made , and there isn't a personal belonging in sight.

"Here you are, number twenty-eight," Ms. Paige finally stops, and points to a top bunk near the back of the room with your number burned into the side. "Your stuff goes here," a chest marked the same way, uniform with everything else in the room. "Drop your bag off, we have plenty to go over," and you waste no time dropping your bag safely into your chest and following your new warden out of the room as she continues the tour of the building.

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