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Celia's 1st hour watching baking shows: These people are really talented.

Celia's 23rd hour: I don't care how good her fondant is, if Karen doesn't add more butter cream to that mixture her consistency is going to be all off.

Elisa: Celia, you have never baked in your entire life.

                                                                     ˜"*°•.˜"*°• ☆ •°*"˜.•°*"˜

Jason: Why do people fear you so much?

Elisa: Because I can do things they can't.

Jason: Like?

Elisa, annoyed: Mind my own business, for one.

                                                                         ˜"*°•.˜"*°• ☆ •°*"˜.•°*"˜

Jason: You know what I've realized?

Elisa: Some thoughts are better are better left unsaid?

Jason: Nice try. Anyways-

                                                                    ˜"*°•.˜"*°• ☆ •°*"˜.•°*"˜

Elisa, a lawyer: That's not a real defense.

Jason: Just do it.

Elisa, sighing, having regrets: Your Honor, my client says it was Scorpio Season.

                                                                        ˜"*°•.˜"*°• ☆ •°*"˜.•°*"˜

[EliCel bickering]

Elisa: Can we not do this in front of our friends?

Celia: Friends? I only tolerate Damian and Tim is basically a pet.

                                                                           ˜"*°•.˜"*°• ☆ •°*"˜.•°*"˜

Elisa: Get me a shot of tequila.

Alfred: Miss Elisa, it's breakfast.

Elisa: And some toast.

                                                                           ˜"*°•.˜"*°• ☆ •°*"˜.•°*"˜

Elisa: [traps a spider under a cup]

Jason: [sets down two more cups]

Elisa: no wait-

Jason: [shuffles cups]

Elisa: NO!

                                                                         ˜"*°•.˜"*°• ☆ •°*"˜.•°*"˜

Celia: It's not gay if I want to date Elisa in a bro way, right? I want to hold her hand in place and make her smile because her smile is the most beautiful I've ever seen and I want to see it for my life.

Tim: I'm no expert, but that sounds gay.

Cass: I'm an expert. That's gay.

                                                                       ˜"*°•.˜"*°• ☆ •°*"˜.•°*"˜

Dick: Why are all of my underwear in the freezer?

Elisa: You said "this is gonna confuse me so much tomorrow" and put them in. Apparently drunk you likes to play tricks on sober you.


Dick: That explains so much.

                                                                          ˜"*°•.˜"*°• ☆ •°*"˜.•°*"˜

Elisa: ARE YOU-

Jason: Fucking.


Dick:  ...

Dick: What was that?

Jason: Bruce banned her from swearing so I've volunteered to help her out.

𝐈𝐃𝐈𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐇; incorrect quotesWhere stories live. Discover now