"You should definitely kick him in his shin!" Kaminari held a thumbs up body shaking from holding back laughter.

"Please do not encourage Asami-chan to act on violence for your enjoyment! She is an impressionable child and you're leaving bad impressions on her!!" Iida yelled chopping the air rapidly "And Asami-chan, please do not try and hit Bakugou, if you wish to comfort dark shadow ask Tokoyami permission to speak with his quirk!" He turned to me also.

"Hai!!" I nodded knowing I'd do just that.

Which I did as soon as Tokoyami came up. I congratulated him on making it this far then asked if I could try to pet dark shadow. He didn't even get to answer before his sobbing quirk wrapped me in a hug lifting me off the ground.

"I don't like the light but I'll tolerate it for you! You're glowing like a sakura tree during winter! You're adorable! Fumikage I want her!"

"No! Put her down Dark shadow!"

"Aw you never let me get what I want! Give me her and I won't talk back and listen to you for a month without complaints!"

"Dark shadow...no." I giggled as Tokoyami-san seemed so done with his sentient quirk.

"You can't have me Dark. But we can always play when I come visit the class and we can talk and eat snacks!"

"The darkness cannot handle this light but for both our sakes I shall let you reveal in it." Tokoyami sighed but that was enough to let dark shadow place me back on my feet, happy. I giggled.

"We've reached the finale at last!! The top student amongst Yuuei freshman will be decided right here! Our final match. Todoroki vs Bakugo!!" Mic announced gaining my attention. STTARTSS NOWW!"

Immediately Shoto created a glacier of ice surrounding and trapping Bakugou in it. Despite Present Mic's loud commentary we all could hear the continuous explosions from within the ice. Finally Bakugou emerged with a look on his face.

"He makes scary faces." I pointed out.

"Definitely." Sero nodded on the seat beside me.

"Oh. That was a nice dodge." I'm going to make it my mission that Bakugou teaches me his aerial skills.

Bakugou grabbed Shoto by his collar and his hair then threw him adding explosions to the throw. I gripped my own hair

"Why is everyone throwing nii-chan today!? Did he become a human baseball?!" Some of the students chuckled or laughed at my outburst but not one of us looked away from the match.

Shoto stopped himself from going out of bounds with ice and the two engaged in hand to hand combat using their quirk to shield and blow up ice. I frowned.

He's still unsure...of his fire.

I was not the only one to notice. Aizawa sensei did, tou-san did and Bakugou most certainly did. Just from his look alone I could tell that he was pissed.

"I'll kill you! What I want is an overwhelming victory!! There's no meaning to beating a half assed guy who doesn't want to use his full power!!" Like I thought Bakugou was pissed. "How can I prove myself if I defeat you so easily!? Don't stand before me if you don't have the will to fight anymore!!" He kept yelling. "Why are you still standing before me bastard!?" Bakugou let loose an explosion that sent him in the air.

By now I was holding onto the railing tightly. I wanted him to fight. To not regret giving up without one. He wants to be a hero right? Then he should fight. Even if, just for a moment longer.


We, as in Midoriya and I, startled not only the class but Shoto as well. I wasn't expecting him to yell but he did and I'm grateful. Shoto started up his flames evening out his temperature as Bakugou turned into a human tornado. They collided and I dropped my head sighing.

I both felt and saw it. The hesitation in his eyes. How he outted his flames right before Bakugou hit him. When the smoke cleared Shoto was knocked out, out of bounds and Bakugou wore a confused expression.

Did he notice?

Bakugou got up rushing to Shoto and gripping him as he shook him back and forth.

He noticed... I sighed. Maybe of I was on the other side I would hear what he said. Even though the was yelling I still couldn't make out what he was saying. Midnight put him to sleep and Bakugou was declared the winner.


I stared blankly at the stage. The award ceremony was starting and they showed the top three. However first place...was tied and muzzled to his stand. I felt uncomfortable watching. I understand that he's angry and I understand he's a bit wild right now, but that muzzle should not be necessary.

How much trouble will I be in if I go down there and freeze those off his mouth? I huffed.

At some point All Might had arrived when I was in my thoughts he was currently hugging Shoto. Then he moved onto Bakugou who he took the muzzle off, finally. But now he wore a monster expression. How does he do that?!

From the looks of things he was rejecting his medal. I giggled when All Might finally got it on him, by using his mouth. The hero then turned to face us all and gave a speech. He went to chant a motto but instead yelled great work earning him Boos from everyone.


I yawned now back in my normal clothes and sitting on Shoto's lap as Aizawa briefed them on things like internships with heroes and things. I was lost playing with Shoto's red side of hair curling his strands around my fingers. Once they were dismissed I quickly ran to Bakugou.

"Huh, guess you did get 1st place. Hold onto it cause it's my turn next!" He glared down at me

"...Ah...?" I grinned then bowed

"Please forgive Shoto this once about not using his flames. He never doubted your strength. He's just...lost. Next time for sure you'll have your undisputed win...or defeat." I grinned

"You brat!! Who said I would lose next time!?" I giggled and patted his hair while on tippy toes.

"Just saying!" He swatted my hands away. I quickly froze a light layer of ice up his arms "Don't blow it up! You overused your quirk right? If you're like me then your hands are overheated and your muscles have to cool down. I hope it helps! Bye!" I ran off heading to Shoto who picked me up without a word and continued walking.

I blinked at first confused on why he was lifting me up but then I saw his expression. I hummed snuggling into him to provide the comfort he needed. I went back with playing with his red hair.

"Shoto." He hummed "I'm so proud of you." His body tensed then he relaxed tightening his hold on me.



Please, Enjoy the wholesome love of the Todoroki siblings. Cause after this...

There's only time. Hehe!

But yeah hope you enjoyed this chapter. I am going to enjoy being liked until tomorrow where you'll all hate me after the upcoming chapter.



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